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他们用一部大机器将干草捆包。They use a big machine to bale Hay.

将5具尸体藏于干草堆中。Hide 5 dead bodies in a Bale of Hay.

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他们把两只桶漆成了浅灰色。They painted a pair of pails bale grey.

哈,我还真不知道怎么捆干草。Psst! I don't really know how to bale hay.

每包棉花重四百八十镑,约218公斤。A bale weighs 480 pounds, or 218 kilograms.

歹徒们见她把钱立刻交了出来,便满足了。The rogues were satisfied with her bale up.

贝尔与南安普顿的合同只剩下一年。Bale had only one year left on his Southampton contract.

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墙板有七、八包稻草那么高和一个包那么厚。Panels are seven or eight bales high and one bale thick.

经检验,我们发现你方货短缺20包,请立即将短缺部分发来。Upon examination , we discover a short delivery of 20 bale.

草捆密度是压捆机的重要技术指标之一。The density of bale is a significant qualification of baler.

出现了赛德克巴莱纪念酒类和脱离子水。There are Seediq Bale commemorative wines and ionised water.

对水芹菜软包装产品的加工工艺进行了研究。The technology of pouch packaged bale oenanthe Javanica was studied.

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热刺队中场球员加雷斯·贝尔也在场边观战。Spurs midfielder Gareth Bale was also courtside to take in the action.

当他们制作一部关于我的电影时,他们雇佣了克里斯蒂安贝尔来扮演我。When they made a movie about me, they hired Christian Bale to play me.

贝拉死后,波责辣人则辣黑的儿子约巴布继他为王。And Bale died, and Jobab the son of Zare of Bosra, reigned in his stead.

对靶撒放要求不要瞄准,只要寻找背加力撒放的感觉。Never aim during the blank bale shooting, think about how it feels only.

克里斯蒂安贝尔也将出演该片。She plays Selina Kyle, also known as Catwoman, alongside Christian Bale.

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我和贝尔离开之前,我们把自己的名字签在房间的墙上。Before Gareth Bale and I left we signed our names on the wall of our room.

农民产出一捆干草,某匹马或另一匹马可以把它吃掉,但不可能两匹都迟到。A farmer produces a bale of hay, one horse or another eats it, but not both.

每包重量、尺码清晰地印在该包件上。The weight and measurement of each bale are clearly marked on the very bale.