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公司派了一个人来装电话。The company sent a man to hookup the telephone.

他们从相好到分手仅仅过了一个月。It is only one month from their hookup to their breakup.

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那个奶瓶使用了磁铁以连接到娃娃的嘴唇。The "bottle" utilizes a magnetic hookup to its vinyl lips.

易于识别颜色编码识别,无差错联接。Easy to identify color-coded bands for simple, error-free hookup.

这副望远镜还带有USB接口,可以从电脑上下载或上传给电脑。There’s also a USB hookup to upload and send data from a computer.

你的急救箱里有两品脱咖啡以及一份I.V。接线图。Your first-aid kit contains two pints of coffee with an I. V. hookup.

“这项免费服务法案本身作为互联网上唯一的”深夜聊天和连接的网站。This free service bills itself as the Web's only late night chat and hookup site.

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您需要向框架添加自己的代码,以完成服务器端挂钩。You need to add your own code to the skeleton to complete the server-side hookup.

后面一点非常重要,因为这增加了快速做钓时刺中鱼的概率。The latter is important because it increases the hookup ratio when fishing the lure fast.

你曾经也是风流倜傥的风云人物,就像威尔特-张伯伦,只是你比他矮了点,白了点。You used to be the king of the random hookup. Like Wilt Chamberlain, only shorter, and whiter.

浮式生产储油船的海上安装连接是单点系泊系统海上安装的关键性工程。The hookup of storage tanker is the key step in the offshore installation of floating production system.

没有什么比清凉宽频联播用卫星为你的汽车在家中或休闲娱乐车。There is nothing cooler than a broadband hookup by satellite for your motor home or recreational vehicle.

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一名发言人称,大多数士兵装备有膝上型电脑和连接装置,可在兵营连接到互联网。Most soldiers deploy with a laptop in hand and a hookup to the Internet in their barracks, says a representative.

本周克里默在电视联播中告诉学生们,“我们现在可以上网找资料,寻找其他的乐趣,”Now, "we can actually surf the Internet and find diversions, " Creamer told schoolchildren in a TV hookup this week.

我们已经习惯把它访问为我们联播的上网电价这些,无论是拨号,有线或无线的。We've gotten accustomed to accessing these for the price of our hookup to the internet be it dial-up cable or wireless.

不管是第一次共赴巫山还是期望能长期云雨,这些句子定会使女人重新穿上裤子——而且动作很快。Whether it’s a first-time hookup or long-term lusting, these phrases are sure to make a woman put her pants back on —fast.

使测试夹具稳定。牢靠地固定或绑扎电子元件、导线和电缆。屏蔽应当牢靠、完善。Stabilization of the test hookup. Securely mount or tie down electronic components, wires, and cables. Shielding should be sturdy.

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也可以这样说,新浪不仅和电视台一样得到了转播权,它还在互联网上“垄断”了黄健翔。Such OK also saying, sina got with the TV station hookup counterpoises not only, it still goes up in Internet " forestall " Huang Jianxiang.

经静动强度和动力学试验,确认补强后的承载挂钩可以修用。The results of static, dynamic load and motive power test of the construction confirmed, that the stiffening load-borne hookup can be adopted.

顾名思义,两者不同之处在于eSATA是一个外部的接口,但是传输数据的速度跟内部直连一样疯狂。As you can guess from the name, the difference is it's an external port, but it delivers the same insane data transfer speeds as the hookup to your hard drive.