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这里它是逆时针的。So, here, it stays counterclockwise.

好,3转-,顺时针方向还是逆时针方向?Okay, three-- shall we go clockwise or counterclockwise?

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用手朝逆时针方向松动盖子。Release the cap with hand in counterclockwise direction.

它该取顺时针方向还是逆时针方向。Would the bottom one be going clockwise or counterclockwise.

顺时针转动红色调节钮以减慢回弹速度。For faster rebound, turn the red adjuster knob counterclockwise.

你可以调整它的方向使之为逆时针的。You switch the orientation if needed so it becomes counterclockwise.

地球按照逆时针方向或者由西向东自转。The earth rotates in counterclockwise direction or from west to east.

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这是一个绕原点逆时针旋转的向量场。It's a vector field that just rotates around the origin counterclockwise.

直白的说,只有逆时针的曲线是成立的。Straightly speaking, that will only work here if the curve goes counterclockwise.

时速约为每小时250英里的飓风以逆时针方向围绕着这个巨大的红斑猛烈地吹着。Winds blow counterclockwise around the Great Red Spot at about 250 miles per hour.

茶水所散发出来的蒸汽都是呈逆时针、螺旋状并且清晰的呈现于杯子上方。All the shapes reveal themselves in a clear counterclockwise spiral within the cup.

假设C是一个半径为a,中心在原点的曲线,方向为逆时针方向。Let's say that C is a circle of radius centered at the origin going counterclockwise.

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当你靠近图片时,可以观察到辐射线是逆时针转动的。As you approach the image, notice that the radial lines appear to rotate counterclockwise.

如果你跨越赤道,你会看到不会看到顺时针或逆时针的运动。If you straddled the equator you would see neither clockwise or counterclockwise movement.

这时你右手螺旋形旋转-,从你们坐着的位置来看-,是逆时针方向。When you do that, you rotate your corkscrew-- seen from where you're sitting-- counterclockwise.

将双手置于脑后,以肘关节为圆心,顺时针做圆周运动,然后再逆时针转动。Hands behind to elbow as the center, clockwise to do circular motion, then rotate counterclockwise.

地球有一个内在核心以顺时针方向旋转,其外层核心是以逆时针方向旋转。The earth has an inner core that rotates clockwise and an outer core that rotates counterclockwise.

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而且假设积分是逆时针的,这样就能符合格林公式叙述的要求了。And, let's say that I do it counterclockwise so that it will match with the statement of the theorem.

如果反时针方向进行同样的过程,则系统所作净功应当是负的。If the same process were traversed counterclockwise the net work done by the system would be negative.

如果是下午,那就按逆时针方向转,时针和12点位置的中间。If it's afternoon, south lies about halfway between the hour hand and twelve o'clock, counterclockwise.