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模铸的石膏或雕刻的石头制作的工艺。In moulded plaster or in carven stone?

从此,这位少女便成为了毕加索绘画和雕刻的模特。From now on, this girl made Picasso brushwork and carven model.

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家具适合用带雕刻的欧美家具样式。Furniture suits to use take carven Euramerican furniture style.

粘土在火中或是用窑这种特制的烤炉中烧制就会变得特别硬。Clay become becomes very hard when it is put in a fire or a special carven ? oven called a killkiln.

这件藏品为青玉质地,上面雕刻的图案为巴国的图腾。This Tibet is tasted for gray jade quality of a material, carven design is above cling to national totem.

本文以魏石经古文为研究对象,从纯文字学角度对其进行综合研究。This paper, according to ancient philology carven in Wei Dynasty, will make a comprehensive investigation from a pure philology perspective.

主厂房系统爆破开挖程序和开挖方法,最直接地影响着整个工程工期、质量、安全及成本。The excavation sequence and excavation method of the main carven system affect directly the completion date, quality, safety and cost of the project.

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记者发现,大盘的托架乃是红木制成,镂空雕刻的灵芝云龙纹,精细而繁复。Reporter discovery, the bracket of grail is annatto to be made, grain of dragon of cloud of glossy ganoderma of hollow out carven , careful and heavy and complicated.

而劣质红木家具是采用机器雕刻的局部牙板、花边采用小碎料雕好后用胶水和钉子装上。And inferior annatto furniture is to use a machine carven is local tooth board, lacy glue and nail mount are used after it is good to use carve of little broken material.

如何结合工程具体特点,确定最优的爆破开挖程序和开挖方法,这是主厂房系统爆破开挖的关键所在。The key problem of the excavation of the main carven system is to determine the best excavation sequence and excavation options according to the concrete features of the project.

因此,利用常规地震资料可以对塔中地区奥陶系碳酸盐岩大裂缝型、裂缝-孔洞型、孔洞型、洞穴型储层进行有效预测。Therefore, conventional seismic data can be used to effectively predict large fractured, fractured-cavern, carven and cave reservoirs of Ordovician carbonate in Central Tarim basin.

广式家具雕刻深峻、磨工精细,在相当程度上受西方建筑雕刻的影响,雕刻层次较深。Deep high of sculpture of extensive pattern furniture, grinding work is careful, in quite the west suffers to build carven influence on degree, sculpture administrative levels is deeper.

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三峡右岸地下电站主厂房系统爆破开挖程序及开挖方法的研究成果,可供有关单位参考。The results of the studies on the blasting excavation sequence and excavation options for the main carven system on the right bank of Three Gorges can be taken for reference by relevant units.

特大型地下厂房顶拱层开挖和爆破震动控制,涉及整个工程项目的工期、成本及施工安全,所以一直是施工中的最关键工序。Excavation of the upper section of a large underground power house carven and blasting vibration control are close-related to the time limit of the project and the cost and construction safety.