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我们谦恭地接受民意授权。We humbly accept their mandate.

白云谦逊地站在天之一隅。晨光给它戴上霞彩。The cloud stood humbly in a cor.

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“谢谢你,”嘉莉毕恭毕敬地说。"Thank you, " said Carrie, humbly.

虚心请求他去除我们的缺点。Humbly ask Him to remove our shortcomings.

我这老命是又贱又硬,我还有什么事好害怕呢。I am humbly old and afraid of nothing now.

我谦恭地为昨晚发生的事情道歉。I humbly apologize for what happened tonight.

“请原谅,”阿丽思很恭顺地说。I beg your pardon , " said Alice very humbly."

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白云谦逊地站在天之一际。晨光冠之以辉煌。The cloud stood humbly in a corner of the sky.

尔撒谦恭地坐在驴背上,我的孩子!Jesus sat humbly on the back of an ass, my child!

这对一个谦卑、饥渴慕义的心灵,是多麽宝贵的应许!What a promise is this for the humbly inquiring mind!

在褚先生前面只能虚心领教做学生。Before Mr. Ch'u I can only humbly ask for instruction.

她恭顺地坐在火旁椅子上,呆在那里。She humbly took her seat by the fire and stayed there.

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白云谦和地站在天之一隅。The cloud stood humbly in full ofive pgood of the sky.

现在,我谦卑地请求您能我一个全新的重生机会。Now, I'm humbly appealing to you for a brand new start.

我们害怕谦卑地面对自我的真相We are afraid to humbly face the truth about ourselves.

外祖父谦恭地脱下帽子,谢谢她。The grandfather humbly pulled off his hat and thanked her.

从此,他虚心学习,再也不敢要求回家了。From then on, he learned humbly and dared not ask to go home.

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行公义,好怜悯,存谦卑的心,与你的神同行。To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

虽然获得如此多的荣誉,他谦虚的只称自己是科学工作者。Though he gained so much honor, he said he was only a scientist humbly.

女管家说,“容我建议,或许我们就叫这只猫好运吧?”"May I humbly suggest," said the housekeeper, "that we call this cat Good