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他是个寡言少语、谦虚谨慎的人。He is a reticent and modest man.

但大多数分析师更倾向于保持沉默。But most analysts are more reticent.

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沉默寡言是我非常英国化的一面。I am very British in that I'm reticent.

汉妮伯母是个直爽但又沉默寡言的人。Aunty Henny was an outgoing but reticent person.

一个美丽的点缀,还是一个沉默的旁观者?Is a beautiful one interspersed or a reticent onlooker ?

当问及他的未来,姚明自己都沉默了。When asked about his future prospects, Yao himself was reticent.

她们自顾闲谈,以为我是一个寡言的人,习以为常。They take care of chat, that I am a reticent person, accustomed to.

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她的母亲于1975年去世,享年95岁,一生都对这件悲惨的时候保持沉默。Her mother, always reticent about the tragedy, died in 1975 at age 95.

冬天像一位不爱说话的老婆婆,随着一阵阵刺骨的寒风来了!In winter, like a reticent old woman, with the waves of bone-chilling wind coming!

许多咿呀学步的孩子非常挑食,而且不愿尝试新事物。Many toddlers are notoriously choosy about their foods and reticent to try new things.

现在的问题是,儒雅而沉默的中国人能对此容忍多少,这是对当代中国的一个考验。Just how much can a polite and reticent people withstand? That is the test for modern China.

报纸上说这是一场无谓的悲剧,而她被说成是一名早熟而寡言的幸存者。A senseless tragedy, it was called, and she was described as a reticent and prematurely aged survivor.

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这促使往日低调的普京幕僚在俄罗斯媒体上捍卫勃列日涅夫统治下所取得的进步。This has prompted Putin’s normally reticent staff to defend the progress under Brezhnev in the Russian media.

我认为漏油已经让我们灰心丧气,让公众对于平稳的经济复苏持更为保留的态度.The spill dishearten us all and, I believe, makes the public a little more reticent to assume a smooth recovery.

曾经年少的你英俊的你沉默善良的你在事隔多年后重新回归十七岁的纯白。Ever young, handsome, reticent , virtuous you picked up the seventeen-year-old innocence again several years later.

即使是沉默寡言的学生学业成绩发布力强的工作,使其受到批判和改善它在互联网上。Even academically reticent students publish work prolifically, subject it to critique and improve it on the Internet.

昔日伙伴撮合阿满和白莉在酒馆相聚,一对有情人相对无言。In former days associate matchs Aman and Bai Li to get together in pub look, a pair of lovers are relatively reticent.

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时值金融动荡之际,各企业在运营新的云计算服务时需承担风险。With so much financial uncertainty in the air, corporations are reticent to take risks on new cloud computing services.

警察起先很谨慎,说只是为了保护我们,后来他又说,城里贫困现象严重,气氛很紧张。He is reticent at first, saying that it is just for our protection but then says there is a lot of poverty and tension in the town.

当问起从巴拉克·奥巴马早期的“痛苦经历”中学到什么时,卡麦隆玩起了外交沉默。Pressed to say what he has learned from Barack Obama’s early travails as American President, Mr Cameron is diplomatically reticent.