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只有一个能占上风。Only one can prevail.

善良将战胜邪恶。Good will prevail over evil.

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美德定将战胜邪恶。Virtue will prevail against evil.

真理是有力的,将战胜一切。Truth is mighty, and will prevail.

隆隆的炮声无法将你战胜。The cannon"s thunder can"t prevail.

刘的英语胜过乔。Liu prevail against Qiao IN English.

我们希望正义会取胜。We hoped that justice would prevail.

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文法无法胜过习惯用法。Grammar cannot prevail against usage.

盛行东北和西南风。Northeast and southwest winds prevail.

本网页内容以中文版本作准。Prevail Chinese version of this website.

最后,他说道他的法案会旗开得胜的。Ultimately, he says, his law will prevail.

无人可以坐着轿子上天堂!I belive that man can prevail over destiny!

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琥珀色光线穿过黑袍而透射。Through the dark robe oft amber rays prevail.

今后的几个月哪种结局会占上风?Which scenario will prevail in the months ahead?

又假设理智获胜,我不掌掴他。Suppose wisdom does prevail and I don't scold him.

不过,贾戈尔认为这项服务终将流行。But Jagoe thinks the services will prevail eventually.

谁将在竞争激烈的三分大赛中夺魁?Who will prevail in a loaded Three-Point Contest field?

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他们怎么能真正战胜你击倒你呢?How could any of them truly prevail in pulling you down?

参与标准化工作在濮院蔚然成风。Participation in standardization work in PUYUAN prevail.

追逐利润最大化似乎注定将会盛行。The pursuit of maximum profit seems destined to prevail.