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它在天顶上轰隆隆地行驶。It rolled on top of a sonorous vault.

塔里有一口洪亮的钟。There is a sonorous bell in the tower.

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演说者洪亮的声音在大厅内回荡。The sonorous voice of the speaker echoed round the hall.

那位演讲人洪亮的声音在室内回荡。The sonorous voice of the speaker echoed round the room.

“麦基医生?”那个男人电话上的声音均衡浑厚。"Doctor McKee?" the man called in an even, sonorous voice.

他朗诵时的那种洪亮的节奏,那种心醉神迷,对我已足够了。His ecstatic declamation of the sonorous rhythm was enough for me.

这些时常被人引用的话也可以拿来形容巴特铿锵有声的散文。These much-quoted words can apply also to the sonorous prose of Bartram.

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她们是又一支铿锵玫瑰,她们是今天最美丽的玫瑰!They are another sonorous rose, they are the today most beautiful roses!

自己们随同着铿锵有力地鼓声高声地呼吁着,心中燃起啦斗志。We with the sonorous powerful drums loud Shouting, burning their morale.

约翰是个声音洪亮的大个子,有着平易近人的幽默感和天生的社交魅力。He's a big man with a sonorous voice, earthy humor, and gregarious charm.

只有在撞击它时,才会有宏亮的声音发出来,传播四方。Only if it is knocked, it gives out sonorous sound to transmit it to the far.

她现在是位大块头的女人,肥胖滚圆,面颊饱满,笑声洪亮。She was now a large woman, fat and round, with full cheeks and a sonorous laugh.

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这使得他们在虎年伊始发出了铿锵有力的转折之声。Which makes them at the beginning of the Tiger issued a sonorous voice of the turn.

如果钟本身不具纯净、沉寂的性质,那么,它所发出的声音必定不会那么宏亮。If the bell doesn't have the quality of purity and silence, its sound should not be sonorous.

这一点,声音清脆响亮的体育记者沃尔特德格雷戈里奥说他的手机上。That, and the sonorous voice of sports reporter Walter de Gregorio talking on his cell phone.

这种奇怪而响亮的鸣叫是由美国常见的一种带颈羽的松鸡发出来的。This strange and sonorous cry was produced by a game bird called grouse in the United States.

历史以铿锵的步伐跨入信息时代,赋于本企业无穷的生命力。The history enters the info era with sonorous steps, endowing enterprise with infinite vitality.

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要从哈定声音洪亮而内容可厌的说教里判断他对任何具体问题的立场是不可能的。It is impossible to judge from his sonorous homilies just where Harding stood on any specific issue.

让我们用铿锵的誓言,用不懈的努力,共同打造学院更加美好的明天!Let us pledge sonorous , with unremitting efforts to work together to build a better future college!

他们又用荷马写史诗的那种音调铿锵的语言交谈了几句话。Some few words passed between them in that sonorous language in which Homer makes his gods converse.