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显然,他有标记好快速解决问题的方法。Obviously, he has the cachet to resolve issues quickly.

不过由于哈雷摩托不再是稀罕物件,因此它也渐渐开始失去威望。But lacking scarcity, Harleys also began to lose their cachet.

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不过,这些顶级硅谷风投品牌的优良标志只能做到这种程度。But the cachet of the top Valley brands only goes so far over here.

如果大家没意见的话,我想说中国汽车厂牌在海外市场的形象正遭受挑战。The brand cachet of Chinese cars abroad is, shall we say, challenged.

如今“手写”一词儿已享有了它未曾有过的声望。Already the word “handwritten” has acquired a cachet it never had before.

想看磕暌剐经典优异标识表记标帜的数字电子手表吗?Want the look of a digital watch with the cachet of a classical timepiece?

不过,历史悠久的西方品牌在新兴市场仍然声望卓著。Yet long-established western brands still have cachet in emerging markets.

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对于地位意识较强的中国人,皮草产品能带来某种高贵身份的感觉。For the status-conscious people of China, animal products have a certain cachet.

例如法国香槟区就给「凯歌皇牌」特别的尊贵象徵。France's Champagne region, for instance, helps give Veuve Clicquot special cachet.

将一个愚蠢的手势赶出嘲弄的领地,给他盖上非法的印戳。You take a stupid gesture out of the realm of mockery and you give it illicit cachet.

对于一些产品来说,有一个带点“洋气”的名字比本土化的中文名字更有优势。For some products, having a foreign-sounding name lends a cachet that a true Chinese name would lack.

它是硅谷最炙手可热的公司,同时在未来上市后可以创造大批百万富翁,这些是它吸引人才的王牌。Its cachet as the hottest Valley company -- and its potential to mint millionaires when it finally goes public.

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尽管星巴克在俄罗斯只有31家门店,但却有惊人的销售额和巨大的品牌效应,舒尔茨如是说。The chain has just 31 cafes in Russia, but they post blockbuster sales and the brand has cachet there, Schultz said.

他们没有法国葡萄酒那样奢华的品牌,无法也不会进入6美元以下的低端市场。They don't have the same luxury cachet as French labels, and they can't or won't compete for the 6-and-under market.

然而,迄今为止这些提案都不像生产苹果产品那麽受人瞩目,而且投资规模也小很多.Yet none of the other initiatives to date have the cachet offered by Apple products or the same scale of investments.

苹果公司制造华丽的小玩意儿,并从科技界部分比较时髦者得到一定数量的威望。Apple makes flashy gadgets, and it gets a certain amount of cachet from the more fashionable segments of the tech world.

诚实守信不仅是中华民族优秀品格的标志,还是“立人之道”和“立政之本”的基本准则。Honesty and credit is not only a cachet of the Chinese but also a basic principle of conduct and foundation of politics.

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两所学校最终一致认为,里斯本MBA课程两者都可以做到,而斯隆的牌子还可以增加他们的威信。The two schools ultimately agreed the Lisbon MBA project could provide both, with the added cachet of the Sloan imprimatur.

带来了新的声望到市中心里弗斯卡普,四季在城市上空升起,从中央商务区分钟。Bringing new cachet to the downtown riverscape, Four Seasons rises above the city, minutes from the central business district.

大多数上海居民购买奢侈品时会选择飞往欧洲或香港购买,那里的价格较低,且信誉更好。Most Shanghai residents buy luxury products on trips abroad to Europe or Hong Kong, where the prices are lower and the cachet greater.