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开罗的新鞋。New Shoes in Cairo.

乔纳森头开罗报道。Jonathon Head reports from Cairo.

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NPR新闻,梅里特·肯尼迪开罗报道。For NPR News, I'm Merrit Kennedy in Cairo.

2002年,我从开罗一路旅行到了开普敦。I travelled from Cairo to Cape Town in 2002.

是日由原居地出发飞往埃及首都-开羅。Depart from home city to Cairo – Capital of Egypt.

开罗尼罗河广场四季酒店。Welcome to Four Seasons Hotel Cairo at Nile Plaza.

欢迎参观开罗国际会议中心。Welcome to the Cairo International Conference Center.

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这位中国领袖在开罗受到热情接待。The Chinese leader was given a warm reception in Cairo.

妇女们把双臂搭在窗口上聊天时望向开罗。Arms folded in rest, women look over Cairo as they chat.

埃及军管政府要求英国冻结其前官员资产。Cairo asks Britain to freeze Egyptian officials' assets.

开罗宣言之条件必将实施。The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out.

这座城市每年都吸引上百万的旅行者前往,同时它也是华沙、莫斯科、开罗和雷丁的姐妹城市。The city is twinned with Warsaw, Moscow, Cairo and Reading.

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但是El-Awady说,可以期待在开罗举行的会议有更多的成就。But El-Awady said that even more can be expected from Cairo.

这里是汉·哈里里市场,开罗城最大的购物圣地。The Khan El-Khahili souk, the largest shopping area in Cairo.

在阿迪德的支持下,谢尔库赫无阻地进入了开罗。With the support of al-Adid, Shirkuh entered Cairo unopposed.

在开罗的塞浦路斯大使馆正常打开,从上午八时至下午三时。The Cyprus Embassy in Cairo was open normally from 8am to 3pm.

从开罗到印度尼西亚的火山口,看这个世界是如何吃路边摊的。From Cairo to Indonesian volcanoes, the way the world eats out.

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我对来到伟大的古城开罗感到十分荣幸。I am honored to be here in the great and ancient city of Cairo.

这个部分已经有了2000多年的人类史。This part of Cairo has been inhabited for more than 2000 years.

卢克索约六百四十四公里开罗南部。Luxor is about six hundred forty four kilometers south of Cairo.