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让一个没有经验的人当总统?With an inexperienced man as President?

刚从林子里捕获的老虎对那些没有经验的人是不合适的,所以就不推荐了。Tigers fresh from the bush are not recommended for the inexperienced.

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我们不想你们仅仅因为缺乏经验,而觉得自己不够格。We don't want you to feel inadequate when you're simply inexperienced.

经验不足的小雌豹离开黑斑羚,看来是已经放弃。The inexperienced huntress then left the impala as if she had given up.

但仅是由于经验不足和过于依赖本拉登才关系紧密。But inexperienced and dependent on bin Laden rather than close associate.

第一,很多双击是由锤击试验的新手或者不熟练人员造成的。First, many double impacts occur due to new or inexperienced impact testers.

与此同时,中文部却将没有经验的新人招进来。At the same time, the Chinese Ministry puts the inexperienced new recruit them.

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该公司缺乏经营经验,故在答应赊购时应特别谨慎。They is inexperienced in business and extreme caution is advise in grant credit.

和我同时代的人一样,我是毫无性经验。Like most of my contemporaries, I was very far from being sexually inexperienced.

广场国际航运信息在毫无经验的用户会发现它。Place international shipping information where inexperienced users will notice it.

毕竟说,性经验不多的男人就像关在笼子里等待放出来的猛兽。After all, inexperienced men are just animals waiting to be let out of their cages.

他对股票买卖缺乏经验,在股票市场上吃了亏。He was inexperienced in stock jobbery and got his fingers burned in the stock market.

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——一个没有经验的游戏玩家通常会让车辆追着机械蜈蚣打。Kiting – An inexperienced player will attempt to follow a Mechapede with their vehicles.

“放风筝”——一个没有经验的玩家通常会让车辆追着机械蜈蚣打。Kiting – An inexperienced player will attempt to follow a Mechapede with their vehicles.

我们不能给缺乏经验的球员足够的机会。We can not take many chances with inexperienced players. That is the prevalent thinking.

之后,共和党将他描述成一个鲁莽、天真、缺乏经验的人,但他最终却冲出了重围。He then beat back Republican efforts to portray him as reckless, naive and inexperienced.

把这些奏鸣曲献给这个相对没有经验的女学生,那是一着外交上的妙棋。It was a diplomatic move to dedicate these sonatas to this relatively inexperienced pupil.

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贝总还引入了相对缺乏经验的教练萨基,而正是他让米兰的成绩立即有了飞跃。He brought in a relatively inexperienced coach in Arrigo Sacchi who brought instant success.

由于在管理这样的开源项目我的经验尚显不足,我需要大家的帮助和建议。As I am inexperienced at managing this kind of open source project I need your help and advice.

在一个播音室里,一位好心的女士告诉我,大的广播电台是不会冒险雇用没羂经验的新手的。In one studio, a kind lady told me that big stations couldn't risk hiring inexperienced person.