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凤凰不翔,麒麟不游。Phoenix is not CHEUNG, Kirin not swim.

麒麟蒸鱼、筊白仙子。Kirin steamed fish and white bamboo shoots.

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对了,我们带给你一份纪念品,这是麒麟模型,它会带来好运。Say, we brought you a souvenir. It’s a Kirin model.

看,他们有百威、贝克、青岛、虎牌、三得利,还有麒麟。Look, they have Budweiser, Beck's, Tsingdao, Tiger, Suntory and even Kirin.

合并后,麒麟和三得利公司能通过联合采购节省不少资金。Joining forces will allow Kirin and Suntory to save money through joint procurement.

麒麟是一家与全日本最大企业集团挂钩的上市公司。Kirin is a public company that is tied to one of the country’s biggest conglomerates.

十岁的凯特琳·弗莱彻和科瑞·埃文斯是这所学校的生态理事会的代表。Ten-year-olds Caitlin Fletcher and Kirin Evans are eco reps in the school's eco council.

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逐日者王朝的最后子嗣凯尔萨斯·逐日者是奎尔萨拉斯的王子,达拉然肯瑞托的高级成员。Kael'thas Sunstrider was the Prince of Quel'Thalas and a senior member of the Kirin Tor of Dalaran.

屋门最多是贴“麒麟送子”像,两个傅粉涂脂梳太子冠的娃娃,各乘麒麟。Pushes up is a stick "kylin SongZi" like, two FuFen besmear fat comb taizi crown doll, each take kirin.

看点五、2500年前的东莞清溪麒麟舞一举夺得“维也纳金色大厅”金奖。Five things, before the 2500 Dongguan Cheonggye Kirin dance won the" Golden Hall of Vienna " Gold Award.

使事情简单的和一致的,我们建议您宣告它作为其拼写和作为麒麟判决。To keep things simple and consistent we recommend you pronounce it as its spelled and as Kirin pronounces it.

听闻他们两个到廊州去了,他们去争一个什么麒麟才子,据说得之便得天下。Hearing that they two went to the Langzhou, to get a Kirin wit, and it is said that whoever gets it would get the world.

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麒麟和三得利将如何处理他们业务上的重叠部分,还包括大量的非核心部门,是大家关注的焦点。How Kirin and Suntory deal with their overlapping operations—and their wide-ranging non-core divisions—will be closely watched.

这是自麒麟啤酒1974年开始啤酒行业市场调查以来,亚洲第一次登顶世界生产冠军。It was the first time that Asia had topped the global beer-production rankings since Kirin began surveying the industry in 1974.

日本两大啤酒饮料制造商麒麟和三得利7月14日宣布他们正在商讨双方的合并计划。Kirin and Suntory , two of Japan’s biggest beer and beverage companies, announced on July 14th that they were talking about a merger.

本周二,也就是7月14日,麒麟和三得利这两家日本最大的啤酒和饮料公司宣布他们正在讨论合并事宜。On Tuesday July 14th Kirin and Suntory, two of Japan’s biggest beer and beverage companies, announced they were in merger discussions.

克尔苏加德放弃了他的所有财产和地位,永远离开了肯瑞托和达拉然。Leaving behind his fortune and prestigious political standing, Kel'Thuzad abandoned the ways of the Kirin Tor and left Dalaran forever.

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晋中榆次麒麟液压公司将与广大新老客户共同发展、密切合作,共创明天的辉煌。Hydraulic Kirin Jinzhong Yuci will with the new and old customers to the development of close cooperation and create brilliant tomorrow.

最终,红龙与肯瑞托结盟,两个团体已经开始对玛里苟斯的破坏性行为采取措施。To this end, they have formed a council with the Kirin Tor, and the two groups have begun actively subverting Malygos's devastating campaign.

对于一些乘客被盗窃或拾遗等行为的资料,将报至麒麟公安分局处理。For some passengers, such as theft or acts of theft by finding the information will be reported to the Public Security Bureau to deal with Kirin.