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他一直身体不好,这可不值得羡慕。He has an unenviable record of ill-health.

资讯科技是有一件不值得羡慕的工作经营团队。It's a management team with an unenviable task.

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这样麦凯恩的竞选班子就面临着一个麻烦的抉择。And so Mr McCain’s team faces an unenviable choice.

他生硬粗暴的态度让他声名狼藉。His abrasive manner has won him an unenviable notoriety.

总之,美索不达米亚人和罗马人对于来世的看法是不乐观的。In conclusion, the Mesopotamians and Greeks held a view of the afterlife that was unenviable.

这是吃力不讨好的任务所面临的尼克克雷格沃勒,营销总监的IIR展览。This is the unenviable task faced by Nick Craig Waller , marketing director at IIR Exhibitions.

拉霍伊现在要重建一个从未真正存在过的经济基础,这份任务可不怎么令人艳羡。Mr. Rajoy now has been handed the unenviable task of recreating an economy that never really existed.

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本场比赛的失利延续了希腊队在世界杯决赛阶段比赛不进球的尴尬记录。The goalless defeat further extends Greece's unenviable record of never having scored at the World Cup finals.

这样的话,许多厂商就会处于不利地位,必须小心调整自己的业务模式,这就成了一场风险游戏。This leaves many vendors in the unenviable spot of having to finesse their business model like a game of Risk.

这下发财了,可是如果挖到了地狱火被烧了你就惨了,赶快挖点水补充一下。Biemang, dug a fire burned the hell you are in an unenviable position, digging as soon as possible to add water.

中国目前造成有机水污染已创新纪录,是美国、日本和印度的总和。China now holds the unenviable record of producing as much organic water pollution as the United States, Japan and India combined.

弗莱彻做了,而且,承认弗格森爵士有个并不讨好而且几乎不可能的计划,他要让这个价值27m的射手远离媒体。Fletcher does, however, admit Sir Alex has the unenviable and near impossible task of keeping the £27million striker out of the papers.

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芬克称,面临危机时,过早做出的错误决定往往后患无穷,因为公司的领导者在为这些错误决定作辩护时,往往被迫处于一种难堪的处境。A bad decision made early in a time of crisis lives on, says Fink, because a leader is often put in the unenviable position of defending it.

多年以来,中国一直为自己在全球名列榜首的道路交通事故而感到尴尬,但近来已经被印度迎头赶上。For many years, China had the unenviable distinction of the most road traffic accidents in the world, but it was recently overtaken by India.

事实上,湄公河地区耐药性产生的频繁程度使其背负“疟疾耐药性摇篮”这一恶名。Indeed resistance has developed often enough for the Mekong sub-region to earn the unenviable title of “the cradle of malaria drug resistance”.

或许30岁的弗烈会在彩虹之国结束他“出场次数最多的零进球队员”的尴尬纪录。Perhaps the 30-year-old will even bring his unenviable record of being the most capped German international never to score a goal to an end in the Rainbow Nation.

在昨晚主场遗憾的输给奥林匹亚科斯之后,拉齐奥必须艰难面对两周后必须客场在圣地亚哥·伯纳乌球场战胜皇马的现实,这是他们晋级16强的最后机会。Following last night's disastrous 2-1 home defeat to Olympiakos, Lazio face the unenviable task of having to beat Real at the Santiago Bernabeu in a fortnight's time to make the last 16.

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正如上个月在这里讨论的一样,美国现在正陷入一个让人退避三舍的困境,被迅速衰落的经济增长河不断升级的通货膨胀双重压力重重围困。As was discussed here last month, the United States is now in an unenviable predicament, gripped by conflicting pressures from rapidly weakening growth alongside elevated and accelerating inflation.

周二发布的一项调查显示,东京又重新荣获全球最贵移民城市的称号,而欧元区危机让许多欧洲城市的生活花费都降低了。Tokyo has regained the unenviable title of the world's most expensive city for expatriates, while the eurozone crisis has made many European cities cheaper, according to a survey published on Tuesday.