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这也许是CDI最令人激动的特性了。This is perhaps the most exciting feature of CDI.

CDI统一并简化了EJB与JSF的编程模型。CDI unifies and simplifies the EJB and JSF programming models.

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这些特性并没有包含在标准的EJB或者CDI实现中。These features are not included in standard EJB or CDI implementations.

CDI现在使用JSR-330所定义的注解来声明注入点。CDI now uses the annotations defined by JSR-330 to declare injection points.

目的采用紫外-可见分光光度法测定西地碘片中碘的含量。OBJECTIVE I2 of CDI tablets were determined by uv-visible spectrophotometry.

Caucho正在吃自己的狗粮——将整个服务器构筑在CDI组件模型之上。Caucho's eating their own dog-food, as it were, by basing the entire server on the CDI component model.

在JPA和CDI的例子里,JBoss在它现有经验之上成功的把API整合进了JSR。In JPA and CDI cases, JBoss brought its experience from existing and successfully adopted API's into JSRs.

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全球应用广泛的数字直接制版机CDI为柔印市场提供高品质的服务。The wide range of CDI computer-to-plate imagers offers the highest quality and productivity for digital flexo platemaking.

结论垂体加压素治疗急性中枢性尿崩症对于减少尿量和纠正高钠血症有显著效果。Conclusion The vasopressin was used by us for the management of CDI. It is generally efficacious in decreasing urine output and serum sodium level.

CDI为Web层带来了事务支持,这样我们就能在Web应用中轻松访问事务性资源了。Through its services, CDI brings transactional support to the web tier which makes it easier to access transactional resources in web applications.

CDI执行地区为交付所有五种干预措施所付出的地区成本较低,但是在一线医疗机构水平上没有发现成本差异。The district-level costs of delivering all five interventions were lower in the CDI districts, but no cost difference was found at the first-line health facility level.

与其他交付方法相比,CDI战略使除了短期直接观察治疗以外的所有干预措施的覆盖面得到了显著的扩大。With the CDI strategy, significantly higher coverage was achieved than with other delivery approaches for all interventions except for short-course, directly-observed treatment.

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在为期三年研究中,我们在每年末都开展了干预措施覆盖范围和供应商成本的定量评估,还针对CDI过程开展定性评估。At the end of each of the three study years, we performed quantitative evaluations of intervention coverage and provider costs, as well as qualitative assessments of the CDI process.

结合上海立信会计学院特色数据库管理平台的选择实践,比较了TPI,CDI,CGRS三个数据库平台的优缺点。Connecting with the selection practice of characteristic database system platforms in Shanghai Lixin Accounting College, this paper compares the advantages and disadvantages of TPI, CDI and CGRS.

本文主要探讨无感应CDI磁电机的结构及工作原理、参数计算、实验数据分析和经济性分析。This paper mainly discusses the structure, the work principle and the parameter calculation of CDI non-respond magneto-electric Ins4ine, and analyses its experimental data and economical efficiency.