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上周我们写了一个socks程序,但那只是伪代码。Last week we did the socks thing and that was in pseudocode.

而是用伪码写的。This is what's written in what we'll generally call pseudocode.

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我们使用简化的伪代码来减少编程语言“簇”。We use a simplified pseudocode to reduce programming language "clutter".

该伪代码允许位于堆栈较上部的筛选器运行任意代码。This pseudocode allows a filter higher up the stack to run arbitrary code.

继续上课,刚才我们只写了一个伪代码,或者说简单地过了一下。Alright, we are back so we just wrote a programming pseudocode or walk through a programming pseudocode.

静态部分是消息的抽象形式,它总是相同的。The static portion is the abstract form of the message, which is always the same. It can be described in pseudocode like this

介绍本系统的软件体系结构,包括系统软件总体结构、主要过程的伪代码描述和控制算法。Introduction to the software structure of this project, including overall structure, pseudocode of main procedures and algorithms of control.

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详细说明了网格资源的动态部署和动态发现,并给出了一种动态资源发现的伪码算法。Dynamic resource deployment and dynamic resource discovery were explained and proposing a pseudocode arithmetic of dynamic resource discovery.

你须出示伪代码编写的算法,将读取标记,在时间和显示结果是否是一通,区别或失败之一。You are required to produce an algorithm written in pseudocode that will read in marks, one at a time and display whether the result is a PASS, DISTINCTION or FAIL.

伪码是一种类似英语的语法,可以简洁地,表达自己的意思,它与电脑类似,但是你不用担心那些愚蠢的细节,比如Java,C语言或者其他什么语言。Pseudocode is kind of an English-like syntax that's just a useful way of expressing yourself fairly succinctly, fairly computer-like but without having to worry about stupid details like whether it's Java or C or whatever.