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“复杂”是有钱人的朋友,也是朋党营私的朋友。It is the friend of the deep pocket. It is the friend of cronyism.

商人进入政界后,随之而来的可能还有腐败和任人唯亲。Bringing businesspeople into politics can also produce corruption and cronyism.

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克鲁格曼回应说他“确信有大量的著作”证明政府的任人唯亲和腐败。Krugman replied that he was "sure that there's a large literature" on government cronyism and corruption.

对马克思的继承人来说,这是一种奇怪的推动力,实际上,它导致大量的裙带关系和腐败。That's an odd motivation for the heirs of Karl Marx, and in practice it's led to lots of cronyism and corruption.

但几个亚洲国家在任人唯亲现象相当普遍的时期仍然快速发展,包括高速发展期的印度尼西亚及韩国。But several countries in Asia have grown rapidly at a time when cronyism was common, including Indonesia and South Korea in their time.

说到这里,如果您觉得这种做法是照顾亲信与谋取暴利的最佳安排——不要忘记在伊拉克失踪的数十亿美元——许多人与您有同样的看法。If this sounds to you like a perfect setup for cronyism and profiteering — remember those missing billions in Iraq? — you’re not alone.

在中国或许仍然存在太多任人唯亲现象,但情况总比他把自己孩子推到领导岗位要好的多。There may still be too much cronyism in China, but the situation is far better than if he had pushed his children into leadership positions.

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"仓法"施行后虽然取得了些许效果,但是吏人为追求利益贪赃枉法、朋比为奸的现象仍然大量存在。Although "Cangfa" achieved some results to some extent, corruption had not been deterred, because many officials were motivated to take bribes and cronyism by huge personal benefits.

纳吉政府的形象已经被贪污丑闻缠上了,其中涉及到巴生港数十亿的项目由于管理不善,安插自己亲信而拖延。His government’s image is already dented by corruption scandals, including a multibillion dollar project at Port Klang that has been dogged by accusations of mismanagement and cronyism.

但是公共服务不自觉地会倾向于官僚主义,自私自利地任用亲信,满足个人欲望等有可能带来的负面影响就是让民众陷于无休止的、费时的官样文章中。But civil service is naturally prone to bureaucracy, and there is always the incipient danger of self-serving cronyism and the desire to bind citizens in endless, time-consuming red tape.

在局外人看来,夸特星球的政治似乎错综复杂、危机四伏。裙带关系、趋炎附势、贪污腐败和任人唯亲无处不在。贵族、商人和政客之间界限模糊。To outsiders, Kuati politics seem labyrinthine and cutthroat. Nepotism, graft, corruption, and cronyism abound and the lines between aristocrat, business executive and politician are blurred.