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我以为是朋克。I thought it was Cyberpunk.

这个基于文本的派森冒险游戏带着科幻的主题。It is a text based adventure game in Python with cyberpunk theme.

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据说许多后现代主义的主要特征完全和赛博朋克雷同。Many of POSTMODERNISM's allegedly principal qualities fit cyberpunk like a glove.

第一本以网络人格和虚拟现实的初步暗示为特色的塞伯朋克小说。The first cyberpunk novel to feature a Matrix with personality and the first hints of virtual reality.

科幻小说和赛博朋克最经常关注的一个想象的未来,而幻想普遍关注的替代过去。Science fiction and cyberpunk most often concern an imagined future, while fantasy generally concerns an alternative past.

第一本以网络人格和虚拟现实的初步暗示为特色的塞伯朋克小说。Snow Crash. Neal Stephenson. The first cyberpunk novel to feature a Matrix with personality and the first hints of virtual reality.

这类作品一般背景设定为工业化的反乌托邦,情节涉及计算、黑客、大型贪污公司等。Often set in industrial dystopias, the cyberpunk genre features plots related to computing, hackers, and large corrupt corporations.

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它的情节读起来像是出自于计算机朋客的中篇小说,这可能会激发技术控的阅读欲。Its plot reads like something out of a cyberpunk novella, which in and of itself, would probably make for interesting tech geek viewing.

今日的好莱坞编剧和未来学家继承了科幻小说的传统,虽然技巧较拙劣,但也都热情拥抱神经科技。Today's Hollywood scriptwriters and futurists , less skilled heirs of the original cyberpunk tradition, have embraced these neurotechnologies.

他们的音乐由浑厚、懒散的音调和雷鸣般的节拍组成,主题则是科幻。Their music is built around deep, droning tones and thundering rhythms that support dark songs focusing on science fictional and cyberpunk themes.