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甚至在此以前,他们就轻易处理巴士拉。Even before that, they treaded lightly in Basra.

他接着去到了巴士拉并会见了英国士兵。He then went on to Basra to meet British troops.

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塔里克˙阿里是巴斯拉大学3年级的学生,他是阿拉伯语的聊天室的忠实爱用者。Tariq Ali, a third-year student at Basra University, is an avid user of Arabic chat rooms.

同为18岁的歌迷米歇尔·马恩和巴士拉·阿特,从不列颠哥伦比亚省的温哥华飞来瞻仰杰克逊。Michelle Mann and Basra Arte, both 18, flew in from Vancouver, British Columbia, to honor Jackson.

美国官员提及巴士拉时表示,“它在伊拉克人之手”“轮不到我们解决它的问题。”"This one is on the Iraqis" the American official said of Basra. "It's not up to us to fix this one."

因此巴士拉将继续是什叶派争夺伊拉克南部控制权的内部斗争的高风险阵地。So Basra will continue to be a high-stakes front in the intra-Shi'a fight for control of southern Iraq.

星期一早些时候,奥巴马访问了伊拉克南部城市巴士拉,他在当地会见了军队官兵。Earlier in the day, Obama visited the southern city of Basra where he met with troops and military officials.

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英军已经受到了一些住宿在伊拉克的人的批评,这些人自2007年底以来很少离开巴士拉基地。British forces have been criticised by some quarters in Iraq for rarely leaving the Basra base since late-2007.

因此巴士拉的交接是美国撒手不管一个管不了的“烂摊子”的机会。So the Basra handover is an opportunity for the U.S. to wash its hands of a "mess" for which it has no solution.

创造条件让伊拉克人能够获得巴士拉机场的控制权,并让它能够归于全体民众使用。Create the conditions for the Iraqis to resume control of Basra airport so that it can return to full civilian use.

伊拉克官员说,需要经过大量的努力才能确保盛产石油的巴士拉省的乌姆盖斯尔港口恢复安全,正常运作。Iraqi officials say much work is needed to secure and restore the port of Umm Qasr in the oil-rich province of Basra.

「我在网路上有两个从来没有见过面的女朋友,一个住在巴斯拉,另一个则住在巴格达,」他说。"I have two Internet girlfriends that I've never met before, " he says. "One lives in Basra and one lives in Baghdad.

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在巴士拉,紧靠着阿拉伯河岸的村子里,灾难的影响深远。In Basra and in the villages that cling to the Iraqi shore of the Shatt, the impact of the disaster has been profound.

他们还补充说“巴士拉的省领导和军方领袖仍然有工作要做,而如有请求,我们将予以援助。”They added that "the provincial and military leadership in Basra still have work to do and we will assist as requested."

人们对拉比尔巴斯里知之甚少,只知道公元8世纪下半叶她住在伊拉克巴士拉。Not much is known about Rabia al Basri, except that she lived in Basra in Iraq, in the second half of the 8th century AD.

数以千计的人上周末在巴士拉举行抗议,要求警方制止猖獗的犯罪行为,恢复治安。Thousands of people protested in Basra over the weekend demanding police do more to stop rampant crime and restore order.

萨德尔已经召回了部署在巴士拉街道上和其他省市的马赫迪军。The Shiite Cleric Muqtada al- Sadr has called the militiamen from the Mahdi Army off the streets of Basra and all other provinces.

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我思索了光辉灿烂的文明的毁灭,从布列塔尼到巴士拉,那些逝去的众生从未接受过人生而自由的观念,哪怕连短暂的领会都不曾有过。From Brittany to Basra Iconsidered the ruins of brilliant civilizations whose peoples had neverglimpsed the idea that men are born free.

但是,由于伊拉克总理努里•马利基上月在巴士拉下令镇压什叶派武装力量,这使暴利事件升级。However, violence has intensified in Iraq since Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki ordered a crackdown on Shi'ite militias in Basra last month.

英军曾于上一年的3月支持过伊拉克军,那时,伊拉克军把马赫迪军赶出了巴士拉,当时伊拉克军是为求得该城市的相对安全才采取这次行动的。They supported the Iraqi army last March as it drove the Mahdi army out of Basra in an operation that ushered in relative safety to the city.