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添加正确的水量和组装的过滤器。Add the correct amount of water and reassemble the percolator.

重新装配。确认模具四角已经对齐。确认螺母正确对位。Reassemble. Verify Die is flush at ends. Verify that the nuts are tight.

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换做以前,我可以将任何可以打印的东西拆开又重新组装起来。Back then, I could take apart and reassemble anything that could be printed.

作为读者,我们的任务和责任,就是鉴别挑选和重组。As readers, it's our duty, it's our obligation, to sort out and to reassemble.

休息时间结束后,我抹抹脸,然后把头发重新扎起马尾辫。When my time is over, I mop up my face and reassemble my hair into a ponytail.

就像父亲重新装配汽车引擎那样,他开始对自己的表演吹毛求疵。He began picking apart24 his performance, the way he'd watched his dad reassemble car engines.

了解如何重新组合在这个自由的厕所水箱自己动手修理水暖卫浴视频。Learn how to reassemble the toilet tank in this free do it yourself bathroom plumbing repair video.

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拆除机体,飞机引擎或其他飞机系统进行维修,检修和清洗,并重组。Dismantle airframes, aircraft engines or other aircraft systems for repair, overhaul and cleaning, and reassemble.

普京和那些希望让过去的苏联复活的人现在盯上了乌克兰。"Ukraine right now is in the sights of Vladimir Putin, and those who want to reassemble the old Soviet Union," he said.

专家们表示,用计算机分句、翻译并重新组成句子,这极为困难。Experts say it is exceedingly difficult for a computer to break a sentence into parts, then translate and reassemble them.

然后他们不辞辛苦的利用他们的知识和计算机技术将散落的页片装合在一起,拼成一个连贯的整体。They then painstakingly used their own knowledge and computer technology to reassemble the scattered fragments into a coherent whole.

重建克林顿和老布什时期的紧密贸易同盟看来不太可能。It would likely be impossible to reassemble the alliance that worked to promote closer trade links in the Clinton and early Bush years.

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上流社会依然满足于每年冬天在这座历史悠久的音乐院红黄两色的旧包厢里进行社交聚会。The world of fashion was still content to reassemble every winter in the shabby red and gold boxes of the sociable old Academy of Music.

3月30号,警局对弗兰克富附近的10处建筑进行突击检查时,虽然发现了一个用于重新组装硬币的机器。During raids of 10 buildings in and near Frankfurt on March 30, the police seized a machine that they think was used to reassemble coins.

最近的一项研究表明,刻意爆炸甚至无法使碎片分散,它们将在自身引力的做一下重新集结。One recent study suggests that a deliberate explosion would barely disperse the pieces, and they would reassemble under their own gravity.

标识了业务操作的代码后,下一步是提取代码,并将其重新组装为具有自己接口的独立模块。After identifying the code of a business operation, the next step is to extract that code and reassemble it as a separate module with its own interface.

我曾经发现一个小的郧击坑,里面陨石碎片紧紧地靠在一起,可你却怎么也无法将其复圆,甚至它们的轮廓连一点联系你都看不出来。I found an aerolite spot with about ten pieces of broken splits. You can not reassemble them cause they are totally have no any continuity in outlining.

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接着我们才可以,更深入地去研究-,当你重组肉体时,情况是更接近手表这个案例,还是搭积木塔这个案例?And then of course we could have further investigate whether-- when you reassemble a body, is it more like the watch case or ? is it more like the tower case?

所以即便审判日到来,上帝重组了所有分子,让肉体复活,这个肉体并非,原来的那个肉体了。So even if Judgement Day would come, and the God would reassemble the molecules and resurrect the body, it's not the very same body that you started out with.

要实现这一点,开发小组必须能够按照业务和市场的环境需求简单地组合并重新组合解决方案的部分。To achieve this, development teams must be able to easily assemble and reassemble pieces and parts of the solutions as the business and market conditions demand.