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我认为这是作为一种民主化的创新。I see this as a way to democratize innovation.

最后,一个国家不可能民主化别的国家。In the end, countries cannot democratize others.

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与其说这是一种民主不如说这是一种民主化运动。Instead of calling it a democracy it should be democratize.

他预见到了在其它土地上进行民主化的努力将遭受挫折。He foresaw frustration in this drive to democratize other lands.

它有可能极大地加快基因测序的速度和普及程度。It has the potential to greatly accelerate and democratize gene sequencing.

梅德韦杰夫在其总统任期内,失去了使俄罗斯民主化的许多机会。Medvedev, during his presidential term, missed a slew of opportunities to democratize Russia.

为了实现民主化管理,钱伯斯在公司内建立了一种新的等级划分制度。As part of his move to democratize management, Chambers set up a new hierarchy within the company.

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甚至在布什政府短暂的推进阿拉伯世界民主化的努力之后,埃及的这一终身总统,其地位看上去仍如狮身人面相金字塔般稳固。Even after the Bush administration’s brief push to democratize the Arab world, Egypt’s seemingly eternal president looked as solid as the Sphinx.

这封信,我的教授的设计过程,阐述了发展我国哲学和我的驱动器的民主化政治和经济权力。This letter, to my professor of design process, described the development of my philosophy and my drive to democratize political and economic power.

net就是一个与此类似的大众网络广播电台,这家电台已经找到了一种让声波大众化的方法,并吸引了18-35岁的听众。a crowdsourced radio station with a web-based interface, has found a way to democratize sound waves and captivate that same 18-35-year-old audience.

弗里德贝格则嘲笑这种说法,认为美国应该寻求使中国民主化,如果不成功,则应采取遏制政策。Friedberg ridicules this approach, arguing that the United States should seek to democratize China and, if this does not succeed, should practice assertive containment.

不过华为想要提升其品牌认知度——它正在推介一款价格实惠的智能手机,希望能够使技术“大众化”——同时让华为成为家喻户晓的名字。But it wants to raise its brand recognition--it's introducing an affordable smartphone that it hopes will "democratize" that technology--and make Huawei a household name.

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然而Livshits和Kiciman自然是想最终可以将Ripley大众化,将它推广给非专业的开发者,成为Web应用安全的一部分。Eventually however, Livshits and Kiciman think Ripley could help democratize an essential part of Web application security, putting it within reach of non-expert developers.

我非常担忧的是,我们对这一过程的“民主化”,将会切断这一人性沟通,把这一上千年的古老事业中,最充满欢乐的一面消磨殆尽。I am terribly afraid that our efforts to democratize the process will kill this human connection and sterilize one of the most joyful facets of this thousand-year-old institution.

我们急切地推行民主化,我们复制和采纳西方的民主形式,却忽视了创立我们自己的民主传统,同时也成为西方援助的条件。In our haste to democratize -- and also as a condition for Western aid -- we copied and adopted the Western form of democracy and neglected to build upon our own democratic tradition.

与此同时,一些建筑评论家也来到北京,参观这座城市新的地标性建筑,并从中看出了从隐秘的法西斯主义到建筑师的民主化能力等种种象征意义。Meanwhile, architecture critics have descended upon Beijing to visit the city's new trophy buildings, seeing in them signs of everything from crypto- fascism to architecture's power to democratize.