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就算在这种夸张开放气氛下,快乐却极少能摆脱社会的批评。In its excess and exaggeration, the carnivalesque is also rarely free from a critique of society.

这种深入调查的合作呈现在了这些嘉年华快照中。The result of this collaborative, in depth inquiry is presented in these carnivalesque snap shots.

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怪诞人物形象和狂欢化场景构成了阎连科长篇小说显在层面的狂欢因素。Grotesque characters and carnivalesque scenes form the significant carnival factors in Yan's novels.

巴赫金的狂欢化理论及对拉伯雷的研究,蕴含了丰富的喜剧美学思想。There is much thought on comic aesthetics in Bakhtin's theory of carnivalesque and his study of Rabelais.

他的狂欢化理论所体现出的相对性思想,揭示了喜剧思维的重要特征。The relativity thoughts represented in his theory of carnivalesque reveals significant features of comic thoughts.

刘韡轻而易举地跨越许多媒介,从而形成了一种拉伯雷式的,节日狂欢般的艺术语言。At ease across many media, Liu has developed an artistic language that is Rabelaisian in its carnivalesque qualities.

国外哥特小说批评历经240余年的酝酿、发酵和膨胀,最终爆发成了一个批评话语的狂欢之场。After about 240 years' development, Gothic critics have finally burst into a carnivalesque storm of critical speeches.

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巴赫金提出的“狂欢”一词现已成为标举解放性、创造性的思维、潮流的首选词语。"Carnivalesque" by Bakhtin has been the first selected word to demonstrate the liberating and creative thinking and fashion.

而透过米格尔街人狂欢化的生存状态的背后,体会到的却是米格尔街人生命中那深沉的悲凉。Behind the carnivalesque living situation of the people at Miguel Street, we could experience the deep sadness of their lives.

第二章简略介绍了巴赫金的复调小说理论,包括“狂欢化”、“复调”和“对话理论”三个方面的内容。The second chapter is a brief review of Bakhtin's polyphonic theory, including carnivalesque overtones, dialogism and polyphony.

毫无疑问,这就是边缘电影能营造的狂欢气氛,特别是那些大卖特卖的作品。There was definitely a carnivalesque atmosphere to a lot of the exploitation films, especially those that really promoted themselves to the hilt.

这一文本可视为一种“狂欢化语篇”,旨在帮助儿童读者摆脱被动的社会化对象的地位,获得一种全新的认知体验。AAW can be regarded as a carnivalesque text, which helps the children to escape from the position of being socialized and gain new experiences about the world.