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我并未对此泪眼摩挲。I’m not teary eyed about it.

是在看悲情电影时他眼中的泪珠?Is it the way he gets a little teary at a sad movie?

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美国冠军摩尔曾一度濒临绝境而泪流满面。U. S. winner Ms. Moore got teary on the brink of elimination ─ Ms.

这条评论让我也想哭。世界上有好心人。This comment made me teary eyd too. Thereare good people in this world.

我离开了这里,眼泪夺眶而出,觉得我的人生已经永远改变了。I left the place, teary -eyed, feeling that my life had been changed for ever.

不丢脸,“Macias-Cooper夫人说,在他们家里采访的时候她一度泪流满面。”“There is no shame, ” said Mrs. Macias-Cooper, who grew teary during an interview at their home.

与女友泪眼涟涟道别之后,我上了飞机,情绪复杂却没有遗憾。So I said a teary goodbye to my girlfriend and boarded the plane with mixed emotions but no regrets.

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平时我总泪汪汪的,当我一开车出门或在郊外夜餐时,我的鼻涕就淌得厉害。Usually my eyes get teary and I have a badly running nose when I drive outside or go to a picnic in the suburbs.

李女士,38岁,她娇小的身躯穿着一件分红的睡裙,语气柔软,眼睛盯着天花板,满是泪水。Ms. Li, 38, her petite frame dressed in a pink nightgown, spoke softly and stared at the ceiling with teary eyes.

听你讲如何经历那段艰难岁月,我感到非常难过,看你的帖子的时候我眼含热泪。I'm so very sorry to hear what a time you went through, but at the same time I was a bit teary -eyed to read your post.

温家宝总理的眼泪净化了我们的灵魂,使我们心心相依。The teary glint in Premier Wen Jiabao's eyes has cleansed our souls and created a bonding and catharsis that I've never seen before.

也许是最近太忙、太累、太着急的缘故吧,昨天校译那本书的时候差点儿哭了,甚至想放弃!Maybe I had been very busy, very tired, very anxious recently so that I was nearly teary and wanted to give up proofread the book yesterday!

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但我们目睹这一幕纯粹、纯真、不掺一点杂质、无条件的爱时,心不禁一颤,身上开始起鸡皮疙瘩。Our hearts skip a beat, we get goose pimples and we get teary eyed when we witness an act of sheer love, pure, unadulterated and unconditional.

他泪光闪烁,声音颤抖,“小组成员道格·达蒙回忆道,他是饮料浓缩汁生产商达蒙工业的首席执行官。"He was a little teary. His voice was shaking, " recalled Doug Damon, a group member and CEO of Damon Industries, a beverage concentrate manufacturer.

眼圈里擎着泪水,鸠山由纪夫对民主党以及媒体宣布,他本人以及民主党秘书长小泽一郎都将辞去当前职务。Mr Hatoyama addressed party members and the press with teary eyes and said both he and his party secretary-general Ichiro Ozawa would resign their posts.

有了后见之明,它鼓励我去体验浪漫的爱情,如同爱情是缠绵悱恻,挥之不去的。即便是在轻浮的开始直到痛哭流涕的末端也是如此。这可能成为一个自我实现的预言。With hindsight, it encouraged me to experience romance as something haunted, even at its giddy beginning, by a teary ending. And maybe that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

在丰田章男看来,中国这个全球最大的汽车市场对丰田公司意义极其重大。在这里他洒泪的形像也得到了认可。In China, the world's biggest auto market which the Japanese executive described as 'one of the most important' to Toyota, the images of his teary response also were well received.

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当奥洛夫。梅尔博格与维拉公园球场告别的时候,主场球迷们温暖人心的举动让他感动落泪。Mellberg In Teary Villa FarewellAston Villa's Olof Mellberg that he was moved to tears by the show of warmth he received from the fans as he said his farewells on the Villa Park pitch.

本周,54岁的张40年后首次飞回家,家人和邻居热泪欢迎,他们中的大部分人从没想过可以再次见到她。Zhang, now 54, flew back to her hometown for the first time in 40 years this week, where she was greeted by her teary family and neighbours, most of whom never thought they would see her again.

我不再常去网站,也不会阅读那些看似唯美的篇章,已是看倦缠绵悱恻的情殇,和无足轻重的沉吟,总免不了一番为赋新词强说愁。I don't often go to the website, also won't read those seemingly beautiful chapter, is to see tired teary ending of weakness, and insignificant thoughtfully, always to assign a new strong say sorrow.