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这件衬衫并不全像售货员所吹嘘的那么好。The shirt wasn't all the salesclerk cracked it up to be.

但那聪明的店员马上明了我想要的东西。But the clever salesclerk soon realized which item I wanted.

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我退回去那么多件毛衣,售货员一见到我就躲起来了。I returned so many sweaters, the salesclerk hides when she sees me.

店员要加料吗?有莴苣、蕃茄、洋葱、起司,还有苜宿芽。SALESCLERK And toppings ? We have lettuce, tomato, onions, cheese, and alfalfa sprouts.

对于那妇女的粗暴抱怨,经理和她的销售员总是应付了事,但是有一天她做得太过分了。The manager and her salesclerk took the woman's grumpy complaints in stride, but one day she went too far.

当学生们在任意模仿照片中的微笑时,他们对真假判断的结果,并没有受到照片中售货员动作的影响。When the students were free to mimic the smiles, their judgments were not affected by what the salesclerk was doing.

对于那位女士的粗暴埋怨,经理和她的销售员总是轻易应付一下就了事,但是有一天她未免做得太过分了。The manager and her salesclerk took the lady’s grumpy complaints in their stride, but one day she really went too far.

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兼职收银员苏珊?帕娜列诺推荐他给第一夫人买一件帽衫,但是总统说她不喜欢这些。Part-time salesclerk Susan Panariello recommended a hoodie for the First Lady, but the president said she doesn't like them.

售货员声称商店里每样货品都有大优惠,可其实只有几项降价的可选商品。A salesclerk claims his store is offering big savings on everything in stock, when only a few select items, as it turns out, are marked down.

店员说,最近,这里的甜品生意特别好,每天快到打烊时间,还会有很多客人进店消费。The salesclerk said recently that these sweets have been selling quite well, every night at closing there are still a lot of customers inside.