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孟兆祥只能麻木地点着头。Meng could only nod numbly.

他糊里糊涂地走进了墓地。He walked numbly into the cemetery.

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卡门·艾尔茜拉木然地摇摇头。Carmen Elcira shook her head numbly.

他呆呆地透过一个窗户往外看著。Numbly , he watched through one of the windows.

约翰麻木地继续经营游泳池事业。John numbly tended to his swimming pool business.

朋友和他的妻子站起来,木讷地走过家人。My friend and his wife stood up and walked numbly past their family.

我就那样呆呆地立在床前,一时间脑子里一片空白。I stood beside the bed numbly . For a little while my mind was blank.

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当警察问这名受害者时,她只是麻木地点头。As the police asked the victim questions, she just numbly nodded her head.

她正坐在床边一张毛茸茸的大椅子上,耷拉着身子,闭着眼睛,木然的张着嘴。She was sitting in a big, fluffy chair next to her bed, slouched over, eyes shut, mouth numbly hanging open.

按照孩子所在的班级,家长们组织了起来,当他们排好队列后,开始互相倾诉各自的伤痛。The parents were told to group themselves according to their children’s classes, and as they lined up, they numbly exchanged stories of loss.

在八十年代,他失去一个患上爱滋病的男朋友,他说,现在这最后这几个月,所有法律上和医疗方面的决定似乎都显得苍白无力了。In the eighties, he had lost a boyfriend to aids, and now all the legal and medical decision-making these last few months, he said, seemed numbly familiar.

不要等到手麻木到指甲上、膝盖痛变成关节炎、臂上的黑斑变成转移性癌,到那时才就医就晚了。Don't wait until your hand freezes numbly in a claw or your knee is crippled by arthritis or the little black spot on your arm turns into metastatic cancer. By then it's too late.

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使用了他最后的力量,以及深藏在他心中一种特殊的知识,乔纳斯发现雪橇在山顶上等著他们。他冻僵的手摸索著缰绳。Using his final strength, and a special knowledge that was deep inside him, Jonas found the sled that was waiting for them at the top of the hill. Numbly his hands fumbled for the rope.

Michael问是怎么回事,Pope告诉他出现了新的证物,法官Kessler觉得有正当理由将死刑延期。Lincoln numbly pads around the corner, guided by a C.O. Michael asks what happened and Pope tells him that new evidence has surfaced that Judge Kessler felt warranted a delay of the execution.