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空气流动。The air is circulating.

怀特霍尔街上流传著谣言。Rumours are circulating in Whitehall.

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金钱是我们贸易中的流通手段。Money is our circulating medium in trade.

伴随着胰岛素水平的升高,它开始在体内循环As it's going up, it's circulating around your body.

大概四周后,它就具有血液循环的作用了。At around four weeks, it's capable of circulating blood.

例如空气吸入口及循环水冷却塔等。For example I inhaled air and circulating water cooling tower.

在一九四三年秋季,流传著一种捏造和恶意的闲谈。In the fall of 1943 false and malicious gossip was circulating.

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白血球缺乏症这样一种血液紊乱相关的。An abnormally low number of leukocytes in the circulating blood.

在循环光滑油柜内应有刻度尺。The graduated scale to be provided for circulating lube oil tank.

疫苗经证明是安全的,与流行病毒高度匹配。The vaccine proved safe and a close match with circulating virus.

当然,除了猪流感,还有其他两种令人担忧的事情。There are also two other strains circulating other than swine flu.

循环流化床转折区磨损实验研究。Material erosion of transition region in circulating fluidized bed.

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人类H1N1病毒的传播在1957年突然消失,在1977年又重新出现。Circulating human H1N1 disappeared in 1957 and only reemerged in 1977.

下部使用清水强钻循环携砂的方法成功钻至固井井深。Then water drilling and circulating for carrying cuttings was applied.

路透社还称,昨晚在柏林有几个谣言在广泛流传。The wildest rumours were circulating in Berlin last night, adds Reuter.

让暖空气在房间中流动可以让房间的温度更均衡。Circulating warm air back through the room will heat the room more evenly.

运行体制不科学催生司法腐败。The circulating system is not scientific, which urges judicial corruption.

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一种H1N1病毒在中国东北出现并快速在人间传播。An H1N1 virus appears in north-east China and starts circulating in humans.

世卫组织对流行流感病毒的抗病毒药物易感性进行监测。WHO monitors antiviral susceptibility in the circulating influenza viruses.

扩大氢侧回油腔的容积改进了国产机回油不畅的问题。Expanding circulating oil cavity on hydrogen side can make circulation free.