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古董,文物?Curio, cultural thing?

我现在在世纪坛文化广场。I'm at the cultural square.

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酒馆是文化沙漠。Pubs are a cultural desert.

文化的一部分是阶级层次。The cultural part is classist.

什么是文化传递性?What is cultural transmission?

这是一种文化迷思。That's kind of a cultural myth.

当然这是文化上的差异。This is cultural bias, of course.

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有很浓的文化色彩。Has the very thick cultural color.

禅林和文化圣地。Buddhist temple and cultural Mecca.

藏戏具有很高的文化价值。Zang opera has high cultural value.

什么是文化传递性?。I. 10 What is cultural transmission?

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这是中国的文化瑰宝。This is a Chinese cultural treasure.

兔丫,会说话的涂鸦文化社交。Cony, Talking doodle cultural social.

东西方的文化差异很大。Great East-West cultural differences.

这些对我似乎是文化问题。These seemed to me cultural questions.

这个印象是文化遗产吗?Is that impression a cultural heritage?

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奥地利文化论坛,北京,中国。Austrian Cultural Forum, Beijing, China.

小人国及民族文化村加表演。China Folk Cultural Village with 2 Show.

这就是在文化上等价于铁锈的东西。This is the cultural equivalent of rust.