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一般说来,积极之人意志坚强,不轻言放弃。In general positive people are perseverant and they don't give up easily.

一个有毅力的人总是能坚持完成他们所要做的事,不管遇到什么样的困难。A perseverant person always has the mind to insist on finishing what they do no matter what happens.

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中华民族吃苦耐劳、知书达礼,传统文化博大精深。China is known for its hardworking, courteous and perseverant people and its boundless cultural gems.

透过这些活动,他鼓励人更热爱生命,学习坚毅与乐观。In these activities he encourages people to love their lives, learn to be perseverant and optimistic.

为客户创造价值,让客户百分之百的满意,是我们不懈的追求!It is our perseverant pursuit that creating value for the customer and making them satisfied completely.

关键时刻咬咬牙,身处困境挺挺胸,慢慢的,你会知道,坚持具有力量。Be perseverant at critical moments. Be strong in trouble. Gradually, you will know persistence will be power.

想成功但失败因为他们不能坚持特别是遇到困难的时候。Only by being perseverant can they guarantee a success and have a strong will to always challenge themselves.

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只有当我们有我们自己的理想,才能找到能量和热情在生命的起源,并成为积极,锲而不舍。Only when we have our own ideals, can we find the origin of energy and enthusiasm in life, and become active and perseverant.

在反抗那些压倒性的不合理的习俗时,女性应该更勇敢,更锲而不舍。When fighting against the irrational but overwhelming conservative conventions, women should be more courageous and perseverant.

经过艰辛探索和不懈努力,我们党走上了“依法治国与以德治国相结合”的科学治国之路。With arduous exploration and perseverant effort, CPC is on the way of scientific governance of "the combination of the rule of law and the rule of virtue".

做人存几分天真童心,对朋友保持一些侠义之情。要快乐,要开朗,要坚韧,要暖和。这和性格无关。Man of somewhat naive young, the friend to maintain some chivalrous feelings. To be happy, be cheerful, perseverant , . This has nothing to do and character.

“先锋”的意义莫过于针对历史的摧枯拉朽与面向未来的义无返顾的革新精神与对理想执著的追求。The meaning of "pioneering" lies nowhere but in the sharp slash on the history, the reckless innovative enthusiasm and the perseverant pursuit of one's ideals.

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以永不满足、锲而不舍的进取心,把握时代赋予的契机,努力开创更加璀璨、辉煌的明天。We have insatiable and perseverant enterprise, grasp opportunities that the era have entrusted and make great effort to create brighter and refulgent tomorrow.

目前中国电影喜剧舞台尚没有先例,朋友为此做了大量努力,可谓锲而不舍,令人感动。This is an entirely new attempt which has been unprecedented on Chinese comedy movie stage, and my friend's perseverant efforts for it made me inspired as well.

考虑到她只是一个小女孩,我没有把她放在心上,经常忽略她的信息,但是她似乎非常执着,仍然一直给我发信息。Considering that she is just a little girl, I didn't take her too seriously and often ignored her message, but she was very perseverant in sending messages to me.

构建和谐社会是历史发展的客观规律,是社会文明的重要条件,是人类理想的不懈追求。To build harmonious society is a objective request of historic development, is a main condition of social civilization, and is the perseverant pursue of human ideals.

从最早的精英门户到做媒体,然后又做社区,最后又回到媒体,一直在变没有找到一个能坚持的方向。Arrive from the earliest elite portal matchmaking body, do community again next, return media again finally, changing to did not find way of a perseverant all the time.

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正是由于他们的离婚使得我学会独立自主和坚毅不拔。孝顺是我最崇尚的美德,我将来定会加倍报答父母的养育之恩。As a result of their divorce, I learned to be independent and perseverant. filial piety is the most respected virtue of mine, I'll definitely pay the love back to my parents as much as possible.

雷蒙德人以精益求精的工作作风,孜孜不倦、力求完美的精神,向广大用户提供优质的阀门产品,周到的服务。Raymond is providing superior valve products and considerate services for numerous users in light of the work style of keeping on improving and the perseverant spirit of striving for perfection.

摩羯座的坚韧不拔最适合用黑森林放松一下,味道中有点儿香甜又有点儿苦涩,偶尔间还有小小的果汁软糖当作惊喜。Capricorn is perseverant and most suited to relaxing in a "black forest" which is slightly fragrant but a little bitter in taste and with an occasional small soft fruit sweet as a pleasant surprise.