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这是惹人注目的构想。A striking formulation.

将会有越来越多的人去追寻。This is quite striking.

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何其相似乃尔!What a striking likeness!

钟敲着十下。The clock is striking ten.

何其相似乃尔?What a striking similarity!

时钟正打12点。The clock was striking twelve.

你听见钟已打四下了么?Do you hear the gong striking four?

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罢工工人在工厂周围设置了纠察队。Striking workers picketed the factory.

你有一次曾因为打人犯规而被罚出场外。And you once fouled because of striking.

码头工人正为增加工资而罢工。The dockers are striking for higher pay.

这个桌子的形状是非常惊人的。The form of this table is just striking.

这个发现的确有点让人吃惊This is one of the most striking findings.

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大眼睛是她容貌最显著的特点。Her big eyes are her most striking feature.

在各项试验中,最令人震惊的要数绘星试验。One of the most striking experiments had H.

雷电从天空引起玩家的注意。Thunderbolts from the sky striking Players.

高鼻梁是她容貌最显著的特点。Her high nose are her most striking feature.

这些趋势的持续存在引人瞩目。The persistence of these trends is striking.

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最引人注目的还是房屋的千篇一律。Most striking is the architectural uniformity.

最震撼的可能就是背景图片了。Perhaps most striking is the background image.

夜幕又一次覆罩着主力部队。Night once more veiled the Main Striking Force.