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融化的冰水在平坦冰冻的海面上形成水坑。The meltwater puddled the flat sea ice.

在春天因为融化的雪水很多小溪都涨满了。In spring the brooks would run high with meltwater.

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我国西北地区的河流主要靠冰雪融水补给。Many rivers in the Northwest China are supplied by meltwater.

在格陵兰岛,是冰水增加了大量的冰流出的渠道。In Greenland, it's meltwater greasing the way for massive outflows of ice.

随着冰河的后退,冰川湖面积的增长,对周围群众的威胁度随之增加。As glaciers shrink and meltwater lakes grow, the threat to nearby communities increases.

来自冰岛最大冰川的融水如雷鸣般咆哮着涌入峡谷,将游客们吸引至其悬崖边。Meltwater from Iceland's largest glacier thunders into a canyon, drawing tourists to the precipice.

五月之前,山脉一只沐浴在夏季热浪之中,第一波雪融水渐渐平息。By May, the mountains are bathed in summer heat, ane the first rush of meltwater is beginning to subside.

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在亚洲,有数亿居民依赖于稳定的冰川融水,这是他们全年淡水的来源。More than a billion people in Asia rely on glacial meltwater for a steady, year-round supply of fresh water.

这幅图展示了冰川融水是如何渗透冰川以及冰原的。The image here illustrates how these pockets and streams of warm meltwater permeate glaciers and ice sheets.

冰雪融化成的水造成了海岸附近的温度下降,恰尔特说螃蟹的死亡必然与温度的降低有一定的联系。The meltwater causes temperatures near shore to drop, and Child said the deaths must be linked to hypothermia.

温暖的条件会为冰川底部提供冰雪融水,增加润滑从而使冰川加速。Warmer conditions can send meltwater to the glacier’s base, increasing lubrication and consequently glacier speed.

几个世纪以来,这里的人们依靠来自高山上冰川的融水灌溉农田。For centuries, the population has depended on meltwater from the glaciers of the high mountains to irrigate their farmland.

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极端冰调查图片。冰山,其中包括一个蓝宝石色的池融化的雪水,杂乱格陵兰的雅格布港峡湾附近的伊卢利萨特村。Icebergs, including one with a sapphire pool of meltwater , clutter Greenland's Jakobshavn Fjord near the village of Ilulissat.

比冰的反射率小,海水吸收了更多的阳光,加速了融化并使融化后的淡水注入这些通气孔。Less reflective than ice, water absorbs more solar rays, speeding the thaw and channeling meltwater into seals' breathing holes.

蓝色条纹是由于冰山碎片崩裂后,一些冰雪融水渗入后快速冻结而成。Blue stripes are often created when a crevice in the ice sheet fills up with meltwater and freezes so quickly that no bubbles form.

足够融化格陵兰岛的冰,从这一点来看,不仅仅是把融化的水排入海里,而且会使整个冰川变成水。Melt enough Greenland ice, and you reach the point at which you're not simply dripping meltwater into the sea but dumping whole glaciers.

再也回不到那个芳香的七月,那时我还年轻,我从一块冰砾上跳进了挪威峡湾冰冷的融水里。There is no road back to the scent of the Julys when I was young and leapt from a boulder into the ice-cold meltwater of a Norwegian fjord.

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首先,冰流的底部如果遇到泥浆、融水或甚至很深的湖泊,间歇地润滑冰流的路径,冰流便有可能会忽然加速。First, an ice stream can speed up quite suddenly as its base encounters mud, meltwater or even deep lakes that intermittently grease its way.

而融水将长久以来冰川冲刷的沉积物带到了海岸,浑浊了水域,于赛了航道。And meltwater carries the sediment scoured long ago by the glaciers to the coast, where it clouds the water and silts up once-navigable channels.

天山角下的农民们和畜牧业业者依靠亚洲中部冰川融水生活了3000年。Farmers and cattle breeders at the foot of the Tian Shan mountain range have been dependent on meltwater from Central Asian glaciers for 3, 000 years.