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Medina说,Elan在接受治疗以前根本无法与人进行口头交流。Before the treatment, Elan wasn’t able to communicate verbally, Medina said.

在麦迪那他被承认为上帝的先知,和他的追随者在增加。At Medina he was recognized as the prophet of God, and his followers increased.

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我售出,它以他的条件,我应该继续骑它,直至我在麦迪那。I sold it to him on the condition that I should keep on riding it till I reached Medina.

今天麦迪对沃克的冲冠一怒,多少和阿泰的加盟有管。Today Medina Walker on the crown of red anger, and how many have joined Artest of the tube.

适用于焊接低碳钢、中碳钢、低合金钢及铸件等。Suitable for welding of low carbon steel, medina carbon steel, low ally steel and their cast etc.

“真主对我们仁慈啊,我出生才6个月,我们就去了圣城麦地那,”他侃侃而谈。“Then God was gracious to us as we went to Holy Medina six months after I was born, ” he continued.

Lawrence攻击土耳其人的短处---铁路线---而非他们的长处,麦地那。Lawrence attacked the Turks where they were weak—the railroad—and not where they were strong, Medina.

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该报告提出对鲸鱼和人类都至关重要的问题,真正是“切中要点”,梅迪纳女士表示。The report "is right on target" for raising issues critical to humans as well as whales, Ms Medina said.

我的一个朋友作为第一装甲师的一份子经历了一次近距离的夜间战斗,据我的推测是发生在麦迪那山区。One friend of mine was involved in a close range night battle as part of 1st AD, at Medina ridge I believe.

通过缴纳贡税的形式换取麦地那国家的保护,构成吉玛人与穆斯林对立的核心内容。The antagonism between the Dhimmis and the Moslems constituted the main social contradiction in the Medina state.

们在胡里奥?梅迪纳身上看到了美国精神,他出狱后怀着信仰,领导了一个帮助犯人重返社会的帮助计划。We see it in Julio Medina , a former inmate who leads a faith-based program to help prisoners returning to society.

从梅迪娜旅馆屋顶的制高点上听起来,射击声像来自城里的四面八方。From the vantage point of the Medina Guest House's roof, it sounded like it was coming from every corner of the town.

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这家高雅与摩洛哥的麦地那它的光,当代触感平静,舒适,私人而鼓舞地开放。This elegant Moroccan medina with its light, contemporary touch is calming, comfortable, private yet inspiringly open.

提供食物给穷人,墨西哥美国活动家潘乔梅迪纳说,这项法律目标的西班牙人。At a local charity that offers food to the poor, Mexican American activist Pancho Medina says the law targets Hispanics.

沙特阿拉伯西北部的一个地区,濒临亚喀巴湾及红海。境内有圣城麦加和麦地那。A region of northwest Saudi Arabia on the Gulf of Aqaba and the Red Sea. It includes the holy cities of Mecca and Medina.

公元622,先知穆罕默德完成了他从麦加到麦地那的流亡或“逃跑”,避免了被处决。On this day in 622 , the prophet Muhammad completes his Hegira , or "flight , " from Mecca to Medina to escape persecution.

他说节目组并不欠他什么,他对于这个节目所给予他的一切已是很感激了。A truly nice guy, Medina says the show doesn't owe him a thing, and that he's grateful for all the show has given him already.

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麦地那国家土地所有制的广泛建立,导致吉玛人对于穆斯林的群体依附状态。With the establishment of the land ownership by state, the relations of dependence for Dhimmis to the Medina state were fixed.

不过Lawrence知道其麾下贝多因民兵的战斗力是多么地低下,因而对麦地那的直接进攻是必败无疑的。But when Lawrence looked at his ragtag band of Bedouin fighters he realized that a direct attack on Medina would never succeed.

五角大楼的国防官员表示,美国人在与麦地那装甲师交火的时候遭遇到猛烈反击。Defense officials at the Pentagon said the Apaches encountered heavy groundfire during their assault on the Medina armored division.