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欢迎各位来到湘潭大学!Welcome to Xiangtan University.

湖南省湘潭县人。Xiangtan County in Hunan Province.

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上湘潭博爱医院是我国首家男科品牌医院。Xiangtan Humanity Hospital is China's first men's brand hospital.

下面我们就请湘潭康美医院妇科专家为我们分析一下。Below we will please xiangtan sig hospital gynecologic experts analyse for us.

威力巴流量计在湘钢检测系统的应用。Application of Verabav Flowmeter in the Test System of Xiangtan Iron & Steel Co.

湘潭船用电力电缆厂竭诚为新老用户提供优质的产品。Xiangtan Marine Power Cable Works is will to supply you with high quality products.

张春贤近日为湘钢写下了这样的题词。Zhang Chunxian for the Xiangtan Iron and Steel recently wrote the inscription of this.

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齐白石,湖南湘潭人,二十世纪十大画家之一,世界文化名人。Qi, Xiangtan people, ten artists of the twentieth century, the world cultural celebrities.

对湘钢1号高炉采用的新技术进行了总结分析。The paper summarizes the new technologies adopted in No. 1 BF of Xiangtan Iron and Steel Co.

湘潭段中马家河、五星断面的污染较为严重。Ma jia River and five-star section contamination are comparatively grave in Xiangtan section.

最后,第四章以湘潭槟榔企业集群发展战略为案例,总括全篇。Then, finally, it is summed up by analyzing strategies on Xiangtan betel cluster development.

湘潭什么男科医院最好?精细化科室,做到专病专科专治。What Xiangtan andrology hospital is best? Fine department, do special disease and specialty in.

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如果您还有其他疑问,可随时到湘潭康美医院官方网站在线咨询。If you have other questions, may at any time to xiangtan sig hospital officials BBS post consultation.

湘潭博爱医院将用它人性化的服务给您带来最专业的治疗。Xiangtan Humanity Hospital will use it humanized service to bring you the most professional treatment.

到今年9月,连接长沙,株洲和湘潭,两两间的高速公路将完成。By this September, two inter-city highways connecting Changsha, Zhuzhou and Xiangtan will be completed.

“创品牌专科、建精品医院”是湘潭博爱全体员工孜孜以求的目标。" A brand specialty, construction of hospital" is the Xiangtan oi staff diligently strive after target.

介绍了湘钢转炉烟气除尘水处理系统存在的问题。The problems in the scrubbing water treatment system of converter flue gas of Xiangtan Iron & Steel Co. Ltd.

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湘潭博爱医院男科诊疗中心集科研与临床于一体,技术力量雄厚。Xiangtan Humanity Hospital andrology clinic scientific research and clinical in one, strong technical force.

那么湘潭包茎包皮手术医院哪家好?湘潭博爱医院就是您最佳的选择。Then Xiangtan phimosis foreskin operation hospital family fine?Xiangtan Humanity Hospital is your best choice.

本文分析了我矿锰铁高炉的炉料分布特征。This paper analyzes the characteristic of burden distribution in ferromanganese BF at Xiangtan Manganese Mine.