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美国医学会---全球气候变暖报告AMA Report on Global Climate Change

爱玛·包法利夫人是情爱角色的饰演者。Madame Ama Bafrey played a lover role in life.

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基于理事会的建议,美国医学会决定Based on recommendations of the council, the AMA

“厄尔尼诺卡米诺”是为年度澳玛歌的四个候选人之一。"El Camino" is one of the four nominees for the AMA Song of the Year.

你真的认为我们在这次袭击中杀了本?拉丹?Do you renumber one 'sly think we killed Osi ama Bin Laden in this rimprove?

这一立法获得了美国心理学协会、美国医学协会等医师联合组织的支持。The legislation is backed by a coalition of physician groups, including APA and the AMA.

“凭借因特网并不能做出诊断”,AMA副主席史蒂夫·哈姆布赖顿说。"You can't make a diagnosis using the Internet," AMA vice-president Steve Hambleton said.

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“凭借因特网并不能做出诊断”,AMA副主席史蒂夫·哈姆布赖顿说。"You can't make a diagnosis using the Internet, " AMA vice-president Steve Hambleton said.

人们认识我是一个年轻,很像模特的女孩,但骨子里我是个坚强的人。People see a very young, model-like looking girl. When in reality I ama tough person inside.

那好,我是上帝的人,让天堂的火焰助我把你们都烧光吧!“Well, if I ama man of God, then, let fire come down from the skies and burn you!” I shouted.

我能够说的便是,我是上帝的人,让天堂的火焰助我把他们都烧光!All I have to say is, if I ama man of God, then, let fire come down from heaven and consume you!

美国医疗协会随后表示,在没有计划细节的情况下对政府作出判断还为时过早.The AMA said after the speech it was premature to judge the administration without details of what it plans.

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Robinowitz发现奥巴马来到AMA会议从一个长远积极地角度来讨论健康系统改革。Robinowitz observed that Obama had come to the AMA meeting totalk about health care reform from a broad perspective.

一旦编委会采取行动并核准会议进程,由AMA成员告知申请人结果。Once the Panel has taken an action and approved the minutes of the meeting, AMA staff informs the requestor of the outcome.

美国医学会和其他组织称,通过假定一个新基线水平,也称作二次基线,国会将能够制定更精确的项目预算。By assuming a new baseline, also called "re-basing, " Congress would project spending more accurately, the AMA and others said.

吉村铃木车队车手导致外地的整理1-2在GSXR1000的首个赛季在美国医学会超级摩托车锦标赛。Team Yoshimura Suzuki riders led the field by finishing 1-2 in the GSXR1000's inaugural season in the AMA Superbike Championship.

海女可以从如此苛严和危险的工作中得到高额的薪金,她们经常能在一个短季里获得比村里的男人劳作一年更高的收入。With such rigors and risks, ama were paid enormous salaries, ofter making more in the short season than the village men made the whole yeah.

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毕竟在2004年,当国会对医生所有的赢利性医院在延期偿还贷款期间征税时,AMA全力进行了抵制。After all, when Congress imposed a moratorium on physician-owned, for-profit specialty hospitals in 2004, the AMA went all out to repel that threat.

它们也包括社会成员,”说Njoku的博茨瓦纳,研究人员研究了谁照顾给予大学阿玛影响之一。They include also community members, " says Njoku Ama of the University of Botswana, one of the researchers who studied the effects of care giving."

一天的捕捞,海女要潜水60至80次,每一次长达两分钟,所以她们必须维持充足的脂肪来防止体温过低。A good daily harvest required 60 to 80 dives of up to two minutes each, so ama had to develop and maintain substantial body fat to guard against hypothermia.