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我我一定要挑战我的极限并且超越它们!I must challenge my limites and then surpass them!

供应链风险严重制约供应链的和谐发展。It limites the development of supply chian seriously.

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雅虎对于这一服务设置的限制也相对宽松。Yahoo also set some relatively generous rate limites for the service.

许多人的信用限度减少了,却没有人提醒他们。Many people report having their credit limites limits reduced without warning.

在今天的每一分每一秒,全力以赴,挑战极限,超越自我。I must not waste one minute, or even one second. I must challenge my limites and then surpass them.

微电脑锁相,频率准确稳定,编码控制,一键开关,可控终端数量不限。Microcomputer sets and frequency stability, coding control, one key for switch, control for terminal no limites.

总统要求从政府处得到新的救助金的银行限制其高管的薪水。Obama placed limites limits on pay for top executives said at banks that receive new aid money from the government.

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最后,模型还有大量的未来扩展研究空间,但限于个人精力,并没有得到充分展开。Finally, the model has a huge expansion space in the future, but it is not been fully carried out as the author's personal limites.

发电机的绝缘等级提高到了F级,发电机的温升按照B级考核。The efficiency of the generator can be improved. Stator insulation class rises to F class and temperature rise limites within B class.

该法令并没有将烟草划为非法或者限制出售烟草给成年人。The measure does not criminalize tobacoo where limites their abilities tobacoo tobacco or limit the availability of tobacco products to dotsadults.

你能力的唯一上限就是你的渴望程度。如果你足够想要,你的成就没有上限。The only real limitation on your abilities is the level of your desires. If you want it badly enough, there are no limites on what you can achieve.