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命理学中,水瓶座的幸运日Aquarius Lucky Days from Numerology

命理学让我很着迷。Numerology fascinates me a great deal.

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什么是在神秘的命理卡巴拉?。What is Kabbalah in Mystical Numerology?

在神秘的命理是什么神圣几何?。What is Sacred Geometry in Mystical Numerology?

这可能是因为对幸运数字感兴趣的人越来越多。I guess more people are getting into numerology.

通常,风水还与占数学的原理结合起来使用。It is often combined with elements of numerology.

这种数字学的真实性是一个公开的问题。The validity of such numerology is an open question.

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在我研究的过程中,许多进展都源于数字命理学这个领域。Much of the impetus for my research stems from the field of Numerology.

不过施耐德称,在谈到中期目标时,“关于数字的花样太多了。But Schneider claims that when it comes to midterm goals, “there’s way too much numerology here.

天坛的建筑结构是在命理学的基础上建造的。The architecture and layout of the Temple of Heaven is based on elaborate symbolism and numerology.

发现你的上升的标志和根据根占星术系统计算数字算命学。It finds your ascendant sign and calculates numerology according to the Chaldean system of root and compound numbers.

了解神秘的卡巴拉和命理在这个自由的视频数字占卜,所有新时代的象征。Learn all about the kabbalah and mystical numerology in this free video on numerical divination and new age symbolism.

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命理学利用数字描述一个人的性格,预测未来的生活事件。Numerology is a way of using numbers to describe a person's character, and to make predictions about future life events.

国学是中国传统文化与学术,也包括了医学、戏剧、书画、星相、数术等等。National Studies of Chinese traditional culture and academic, including medicine, drama, painting, astrology, numerology and more.

明星纹身也可以用来表明命理学,以及一些要点的明星是用来表明不同的含义。Star tattoos may also be used to signify numerology , and the number of points on the star is used to indicate different meanings.

术数学源于先民的巫史文化,是中华道学文化的一大支柱。Chinese Numerology traces its origin back to the Shamanistic culture of our predecessors and is one of the main supports of Taoist culture.

店面一般以能激起消费者购买欲望的颜色为佳,另外结合店主的五行命理颜色来装修。The general store to arouse consumer desire to buy the color is good, the owner of the five elements in combination with color decoration numerology.

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需要注意的是,上述所述,只是共性,每个人的个性色彩如何,最好的方法还是通过排测自己的命理来分析而定。Note that the above mentioned, but common, each person 's personality colors, thebest way or througharow of measuring their own numerology to analyze may be.

她是团体成员之一,正试图按照圣人的神秘事情用占星学和数字命理学来解释时间和际遇。And she was a member of an organization which attempted, through the mysteries of the sages, to interpret time and place according to astrology and numerology.

长久以来,数字学在中国文化中一直扮演着重要角色,从建筑规划到手机号码的价格等一切事务都明显受到数字学的影响。Numerology has long played an important role in Chinese culture, factoring prominently into everything from architectural plans to the price of mobile phone numbers.