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根纺锤形,肉质。Roots fusiform, fleshy.

然而皮肤不都是“肉质”的东西。But skin isn't all "fleshy" stuff.

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你是一个爱吃肉肉的男人。You are a favorite fleshy man. Enjoy!

胸部丰满、腰细、臀部肥厚。Bosom plump, waist is fine, coxal fleshy.

这孩子长了一个肉乎乎的小圆脸。The baby has a small, round, fleshy face.

柄粗长,棒状,盖肥厚,洁白。Thick long stipe, fleshy pileus, pure white.

洛神葵的肉质花萼可食。The fleshy red calyxes of roselle are edible.

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不过要挑对新鲜鹌鹑,肉质要丰嫩,不然很容易干粗。It has to be fleshy or it dries out too easily.

它可能是肉质的、木栓质或海绵质的结构。It may be of a fleshy , corky, or spongy nature.

柔顺,新鲜爽洁,回味无穷的樱桃果酱。Soft, fleshy and long palate with cherry-jam notes.

胚有两片大而肉质的子叶。The embryo consists of two large fleshy cotyledons.

为什么沙漠植物常常长着厚而多肉的叶子?Why do desert plants often have thick, fleshy leaves?

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腋芽隐藏下方肉质叶,叶柄。Axillary buds are hidden beneath fleshy leaf petioles.

体型一般,不胖不瘦,只是脸上肉肉的。Body in general, neither fat nor thin, but his face fleshy.

具坚韧果皮的浆果状肉质果实,如柠檬或柑橘。A fleshy berry-like fruit with a tough rind, as a lemon or orange.

成熟的黑樱桃和丰富,肉质的李子相结合。Wonderful flavors of ripe black cherry and a rich, fleshy plum texture.

几乎所有种类都有能生出称作假种皮的肉质附属物的种子。Nearly all species have seeds that bear a fleshy appendage called an aril.

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于是,你肯定要抓住这个好时机,和肉肉说拜拜。So, you are sure to seize this good opportunity to say goodbye, and fleshy.

肉质的果托,或称腰果,可做果酱和干果。The fleshy hypocarp, or cashew apple, is processed into jam and dried fruit.

这些肉质植物不需要太多关注,它们容易存活和生长。These fleshy plants don't require much care and can easily survive and grow.