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玛丽绝对不会故意地伤害任何人。Mary would never knowingly hurt anyone.

风恣婆娑浴寒冬。The wind knowingly biddings bath winter.

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他们刻意地寻找新鲜事物的快感。They knowingly seek the thrill of the new.

我们明知故犯地毁坏了一处可能的历史遗迹。We knowingly altered a Probable Historical Site.

办公桌旁的老太婆会心地斜睨了她一眼。The old lady at the desk leered at her knowingly.

明知故犯地走上那条道路是极其愚蠢的行为。Knowingly marching down that road would be insane.

其实我们有意无意的都在使用这种方法。All of us apply this method knowingly or unknowingly.

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这个杀人犯、司机明知撞了人又碾压一遍。This is murder. The driver knowingly ran her over, again.

但特别的是,我们是在知晓的情况下做的。But what woude be unique about us, is that we did it knowingly.

执着的最高境界,莫过于明知故犯了。The persistence of the highest level, knowingly passed the way.

金发新郞给露西倒了一杯葡萄酒,心照不宣地微笑着。The blond groom poured Lucy a glass of wine and smiled knowingly.

亚马逊没有故意或蓄意地选择性删除这些评论。Amazon did not knowingly or consciously choose to remove the reviews.

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请小心购买,别上当!有些物品以假当真来卖。Beware of some ebay sellers knowingly sell any fakes as genuine articles!

SCA的成员要知道,只能同其他已注册的萨摩来繁殖。The SCA member knowingly breeds Samoyedsonly to other registered Samoyeds.

我不想成为一分子,况且这是知法犯法。I don't want to be one of them. Besides this is transgressing a law knowingly.

我没有感到任何能引诱我明知是离开公正之途的欲望I am sensible of no passion which could seduce me knowingly from the path of justice

我今年八十三岁,他们这样欺侮老人,是知法犯法!I this year eighty-three years old, so they bully old man, is knowingly breaks the law!

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我们不晓得知不知道,这种明知故犯,或是无知被人拖过去。Do we know if we are knowingly committing these offenses or unknowingly influenced others?

蓄意公开或者传播机密信息将违反联邦法律。It is against federal law to knowingly and willfully disclose or transmit classified information.

所以他们就,有意识或无意识地,偷窃或者拷贝别人说过的东西。and so they just, knowingly or unknowingly, they steal and copy what someone else has already said.