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举手击掌代表高兴、喜悦和力量。A high-five symbolizes joy, elation and power.

人们一定会联想到他的洋洋自得。One can certainly relate to his seeming elation.

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露丝因得到奖品而得意洋洋。Being in a state of boastful elation or exultation.

患者抑郁与躁狂交替发作。Manic depressives oscillate between depression and elation.

他们对这个结果是惊喜交集。They were filled with elation and amazement for the results.

和东边相比,这里兴高采烈的场景明显沉静了些。In striking contrast to the east, scenes of elation were muted.

普天同庆,万众欢腾。Universal celebrations are held and the whole nation is in elation.

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你感受到幸福、快乐和激情并通过小组表现分享这种感觉。Joy, elation and enthusiasm are felt and shared throughout the group performance.

“woot”是网民在微博、论坛上表达自己“狂喜”心情的意思。And ‘woot’ is an expression of elation used on internet message boards and forums.

还记得,她会为我取得好成绩而兴高采烈,也会在我成绩不太理想时给予支持和鼓励。I remember her elation at good grades, her support and positiveness for the “not so good ones.

当初的得意和兴奋已经不再,取而代之是不安、痛苦和你窘迫的处境。The elation and excitement have made way for anxiety, misery and the reality of your situation.

第四个孩子出生时,我喜中有忧,担心未来的家庭开支。When our fourth daughter was born, my elation was tinged with worry about our financial future.

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但仅仅几分钟后我们就被领进鬼屋大厅的时候,沮丧立刻变成兴高采烈。Despair turned to elation when we were ushered into the spooky entry hall in just a few minutes.

豪言一出,人人欢欣鼓舞、如释重负,连这句话至少说早两天都无暇顾及了。The proclamation was greeted with elation and relief, even if it was premature by at least two days.

在迷恋期时,大脑会释放一些引起愉悦心情的强效化学物质。At the infatuation stage, several powerful brain chemicals are released which cause feelings of elation.

仅仅是二个星期的时间,就职典礼当天的喜悦已经完全被传统形势的党派分歧重棒所取代。In just two weeks, the elation of inauguration day has given way to a classic form of partisan hardball.

约翰尼交替了在兴高采烈之间,当西莉亚谈了话充满他和绝望,当她挥动与另一个人。Johnny alternated between elation when Celia talked with him and despair when she flirted with another man.

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韦小宝登时意兴索然,便去换了小太监的服色。Trinket's elation quickly vanished and he went off disconsolately to change back into his eunuch's uniform.

你在巴黎干得这样漂亮,此刻心中欣喜如何是可想而知的,我知道不应该来败了你的兴。I think it's a shame to ruin the understandable elation you must be feeling now after such a neat job in Paris.

当然我也记得Pauline的出生,当我期盼已久的孩子平安降生时我的心被喜悦填满。Of course, I was remembering her birth, and my own elation when my longed-for baby was delivered safe and well.