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身上无钱过市快。A moneyless man goes fast through the market.

一个没钱的人很快穿过市场。A moneyless man goes fast through the market.

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身无分文的人总是很快穿越市场。A moneyless man goes fast through the market.

下文这位不名一文的强人教你如何免费开派对。The Moneyless Man knows how to party for free

在没有钱的世界里,每件事都需要花费更多时间和努力才能完成。Everything takes more time and effort in a moneyless world.

也许他就是一个骗子!一个没钱的骗子,从所谓的那些利润丰厚的生意中赚钱的骗子!Maybe he's a cheat! A moneyless crook getting money from so-called profitable business!

单是吃素这一条,就让我能相处的女子减了不少,更别提无钱的生活了。Just being a vegan cuts down the number of women I'm compatible with, never mind being moneyless.

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单是吃素这一条,就让我能相处的女子减了不少,更别提无钱的生活了。Just being a vegan cuts down the number of women I’m compatible with, never mind being moneyless.

这没钱的一年刚开始时,我仅仅依靠废弃的和觅得的食物,做了三道菜餐去招待150人。To launch my moneyless year, I fed a three course meal to 150 people, solely with waste and foraged food.

如果因为清贫,你整天要为鸡毛蒜皮的小事斤斤计较,你还怎么能是幸福的人呢?If because of moneyless you have to haggle over every ounce for every little thing all days , how could you be a happy person ?

我在一个极为贫穷偏僻的农村长大,从小经历了难以想象的困境。不过,伴随着改革开放我不断成长,变成了一个充满阳光和朝气的大男孩。I grew up in moneyless countryside. I had many difficulties in my childhood. But I became a big boy by high spirits and animation with reforming and opening.

如果这个世界没有向着可持续,科技主导,是的,不需要货币的社会做出巨大改变,那么到资源枯竭的那一天社会分化会到非常夸张的地步。If there is not a radical global shift toward a sustainable, tech-driven and, yes, a moneyless society, class division will dramatically increase as the world’s resources are depleted.