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哪当然﹐你知道﹐这个节目我每集必看。Of course, you know I watch it religiously.

每天早晨洗擦地板。He washes the floor religiously every morning.

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至于左派与右派,在宗教信仰上是否也壁垒分明?Are the left and right so religiously cleaved ?

无教派选民倾向于投民主党的票。Religiously unaffiliated voters tend to vote Democratic.

但是我不会严格按照课本来讲课But I will not be following these books religiously at all.

尊敬专家意见,虔诚地听从他们的建议。Respect their expertise and follow their advice religiously.

他十分准确地每六个月来一趟清洗他的牙套。He comes in religiously every six months to have his grillz cleaned.

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我父亲买的是季票,并且去看球犹如朝拜一般虔诚。He is a season-ticket holder in the West Lower, and goes religiously.

不要指望开始狠狠的吃然后明天就虔诚的运动。Don’t expect to start eating perfectly and exercising religiously tomorrow.

宗教倾向的政客们显然会认为这是人性的末端。The religiously inclined politicians obviously think it the end of humanity.

另外,世界上在宗教方面最不稳定的部分,常常是青年人。And the most religiously volatile part of the world tends to be the youngest.

阿红,阿花还有其他的女孩子遵守着严格的戒律。Hong, Ha and the other girls have strict rules that they adhere to religiously.

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她从不吸烟,从不喝酒,而且虔诚地遵循长寿饮食法。She never smoked or drank alcohol, and religiously followed a macrobiotic diet.

我虔诚的运行这段脚本,每天,每小时,有时每5分钟。I checked this script religiously. Every day, every hour, every 5 minutes sometimes.

如果你自己也是个投资人的话,不妨设立一套自己的法则,并虔诚地笃信你自己的法则。And if you're an investor yourself, feel free to set and religiously follow your rules.

在世界现代史上,以宗教为由而进行的争夺领土与权力的战争也不乏其例。Modern history has also been plagued by religiously motivated struggles for territory or power.

这样就展示出你自己是不易到手的“无价之宝”,她要努力才能搞定你。这是高手们常常使用的招数。This is also known as playing hard-to-get and is used religiously by the best players out there.

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在编程的世界中,我发现只有几个开发人员严格遵守该过程。In the world of programming, I have only seen a few developers practice this process religiously.

这个宗教思想是反犹太主义的深刻的启发,诋毁犹太人,并要求摧毁以色列。This religiously inspired ideology is deeply anti-Semitic, dehumanizes Jews, and demands Israel's destruction.

这时候,我干脆变成一名门诺派教徒,虔诚地回避一切现代通讯技术。At such times, I become downright Amish, religiously committed to avoiding all modern communication technology.