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跳舞会的事?。Prom committee thing?

参加投票选举舞会之王和王后么?。Vote for prom king and queen?

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我要带你妈妈去卒业舞会。I'll take your mom to the prom.

他总是说话算数的。He always keeps to his prom ises.

她上周末参加了毕业舞会。She attended the prom last weekend.

你知道人们怎么称呼舞会女装的吗?You know what they say about a prom dress?

今天我去晒太阳灯,想晒黑一点准备去演出。Today, I went tanning so I'd be tan for prom.

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结论胎膜早破与难产的关系密切。Conclusions The PROM is the cause of dystocia.

消遥自在的小南希,62年前的舞会皇后。Perky little Nancy, prom queen sixty two years ago.

我知道她再也不能跟我坐在一起,观赏我们的圣诞树了。I knew shw would never see me go off to my senior prom.

害这名女孩留校察看的舞裙。The Prom Dress That Got This Girl Suspended From School.

学校舞会上的舞王和舞后在舞场上的舞姿非常优雅。The prom King and Queen move elegantly across the floor.

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我不敢相信在毕业舞会的前一天,我长了这么大一颗青春痘。I can't believe I got this uge zit the day before the prom.

到现在我还在尝试去找一个为了我毕业舞会的舞伴。I’m still trying to find a date for the prom next Saturday.

我不敢相信在毕业舞会的前一天,我长了这么大一颗青春痘。I can't believe I got this huge zit the day before the prom.

这辆四轮马车用驿马拉只用两天就可以从伦敦赶到巴斯!This carriage can post prom London to Bath in only two days!

节目的形式就像是一个超燃的毕业舞会。The show's set-up has all the makings of a super-charged prom.

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去年六月我朋友向我描述她为即将来临的毕业舞会做的安排。Last June, my friend told me about her plans for our upcoming prom.

他翻着Bob的钱包,发现了Bob女儿的一张班级舞会照片。He goes through Bob’s wallet and finds a prom photo of Bob’s daughter.

我们学校的舞会传统是,你必须同你的朋友在外面待上一整夜。Tradition at our school’s prom was to stay out all night with yours friends.