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基督论是什么意思,有人知道吗?What does Christology mean? Anybody?

约翰福音所关注的是基督论。What is at issue in the Gospel of John is Christology.

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因此神之子的受难就是马可的基督论的一部分。So the suffering Son of God is part of Mark's Christology.

马太的基督论和马可的并没有太大的区别。Matthew's Christology is not too much different from Mark's.

基督论就是,你认为耶稣基督的本质是什么?What Christology is, is what do you believe about the nature of Jesus Christ?

注意约翰福音是如何反复地,将这些问题归结到基督论上的。Notice how in the Gospel of John repeatedly these issues come down to Christology.

他们在基督论上不统一,还是纯粹谁来作领导的问题?Do they disagree about Christology or is it now a purely a personnel leadership issue?

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路加的基督论,你们还记得吗,路加福音与使徒行传,路加福音的基督论是什么?For the Christology of Luke, do you remember,Luke and Acts,what is the Christology of Luke?

耶稣是揭示隐秘知识的人,这就是多马福音的基督论。So Jesus as the revealer of hidden knowledge is the main Christology of the Gospel of Thomas.

许多正统基督论都是在,至少在一开始,都是在尼西亚公会议确定的。A lot of orthodox Christology was set at least, at one of the main periods,at the Council of Nicaea.

它是你对耶稣基督的神学信仰,这就是基督论,我们已经看到了好多不同的观点。It's what is your theology of Jesus Christ, that's Christology and we've already seen different ones.

基督论的问题构成了路德和慈运理在主的晚餐上激烈辩论的基础。The question of Christology formed the basis for Luther and Zwingli's fierce debate on the Lord's Supper.

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我们会再回过头来讲人们认为耶稣是什么,这就是基督论的教义。We'll come back to this issue of what did people believe Jesus was and that's the doctrine of Christology.

保罗似乎在其它地方暗示,他的基督论是耶稣前世就是神。Paul seems to give the idea in other places that he had a Christology that Jesus was preexistence as divine.

可以是基督是人还是神祗,可以是他是否是条鱼,任何关于耶稣的教义都是基督论。It could be whether he was human or divine, it could be whether he's a fish, any teaching about Jesus is a Christology.

多马福音的基督论,是耶稣作为一个,已经重生的形象出现。The Christology of the Gospel of Thomas though is that Jesus comes across as practically an already resurrected figure.

还记得我说基督教是非常多样的,我们现在可以看到,它们在基督论上也是非常多样的。Just to back up,remember how diverse we're finding Christianity, and we're going to start seeing that diversity now representing itself in Christology.

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因此马可的基督论,就是耶稣是弥赛亚,是神之子,他是注定要承受苦难的,弥赛亚受苦难是上帝的意愿。Now the Christology that Mark's working with is Jesus is the Messiah,the Son of God, it's mandated that he suffers, so it's God's will that the Messiah suffer.

为什么,可能是,因为这些人也不同意他的基督论,所以他们可能接待了,他认为他们不应接待的人。Why? It may be that those people disagreed with him about his Christology also, so they may have received the very people that he thought they shouldn't receive.

实际上在路加抄马可福音这一段时,将这部分内容删去了,他去除了马可福音中关于偿赎的部分,因为这不符合他的基督论。In fact,Luke excises that part of Mark when he's copying that part of Mark, and he leaves out that ransom passage from Mark because that doesn't fit his Christology.