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支架材料为国产形状记忆镍钛合金。The stent was made of shape memory nitinol.

作为镍和钛的简单的一种合金,镍钛诺具有一些令人惊叹的特征。A simple alloy of nickel and titanium nitinol has some perplexing properties.

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镍钛诺是本世纪发现的最特别的金属之一。Nitinol is one of the most extraordinary metals to be discovered this century.

采用国产镍钛合金食管支架置入术治疗食管狭窄24例。Esophageal nitinol stent was used for treatment of 24 patients with esophageal strictures.

结论采用输送器放置内支架治疗气道狭窄是一种安全有效的方法。It is an effective method to treat tracheal stricture by means of self-expanding nitinol stent.

结论镍钛支架气道植入术对癌性肺不张是一项新的、疗效满意的治疗方法。Conclusion Nitinol stent implantation can be a new superior treatment for malignant atelectasis.

本发明提供一种治疗根管用的合金,能解决现有技术的镍钛锘合金问题。Provided is an alloy for endodontic treatment that can solve a problem of a conventional nitinol alloy.

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比如,一节镍钛诺线圈在加热冷却后会记住圆圈这形状。For example, apiece of nitinol wire bent to form acirclethatis then heatedandquenched will remember this shape.

结果31例患者共植入32根食管支架,两例术后第二天出现支架下移,未发生技术问题。Results 31 cases were treated with 32 nitinol stents. The stents moved down only in two cases in the second day.

目的观察经可曲性支气管镜置入支架治疗恶性中心气道狭窄的临床疗效和安全性。Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of implanting nitinol stents in malignant airway stenosis by flexible bronchoscopy.

目的探讨记忆镍钛合金支架治疗气管支气管狭窄的疗效。Objective To explore the clinical results of implanting expanding nitinol alloy stent in the treatment of tracheobronchial stenosis.

结论用于扩张治疗胃窦晚期恶性肿瘤所导致的胃出口梗阻的金属支架设计应个体化,以提高食物的排空率。Nitinol stents for relieving malignant pylorus obsuction should be individually designed in order to increase emptying rate of sinus ventriculi.

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镍钛记忆合金是一种优良的生物材料,但在腔道内应用的基础研究较少。Nitinol alloy has been widely used as an implant material. However as an endoluminal implant material, more studies on its biocompatibility should be done.

目的探讨应用气管球囊扩张和气管镍钛合金支架置入治疗良性气管狭窄的疗效和安全性。Objective To investigate the efficacy and safety of balloon dilatation and nitinol stent implantation in the treatment for benign tracheobronchial stenosis.

目的观察纤支镜联合透视导向下放置镍钛记忆合金支架治疗晚期肿瘤导致的气道狭窄的疗效。Objective Observing the therapeutic effect of airway nitinol alloy stents in the treatment of malignant severe airway stenosis by fibrobronchoscophy and X-ray.

目的探讨胃出口、十二指肠恶性梗阻时镍钛记忆合金支架置入的操作技术及其临床疗效。Objective To study the technique of placement of Nitinol stent for relieving malignant pylorus or duodenal obstruction, and to assess its clinical effectiveness.

本实验包括植入后局部反应实验、与血液相互作用试验、支架物理机械性能测定。Our experiment include in vivo planted response experiment, blood reciprocity reaction experiment and Nitinol intravascular stent physical capability mensurated.

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这些圆片被能变形的镍钛记忆合金制成,其上覆盖聚酯纤维,这能促进心脏组织在愈合期间沿圆片生长并完全覆盖它们。The discs are made of flexible nitinol metal and covered in polyester fabric that encourages heart tissue to grow over the discs completely covering them during healing.

评价经鼻安放气道支架治疗恶性肿瘤引起的气管支气管狭窄的可行性和疗效。To access the feasibility and efficacy of home made nitinol stent in the treatment of malignant tracheobronchial stenosis by placement of airway stents via nasal cavity.

目的评估纤支镜和X线联合导向下放置国产镍钛记忆合金支架治疗重症恶性气道狭窄的安全性及价值。Objective To evaluate the safety and effects of nitinol alloy stent made in China to treat malignant serious airway stenosis by fibrobronchoscopy and under X-ray guidance.