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她注定被人遗忘。She was doomed to oblivion.

听闻超越记忆,空白一片!Hearing oblivion beyond memory!

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你知道没没无闻这句成语吗?。You know this word, "oblivion"?

而他者只等待咸湿的遗忘。While salty oblivion awaited others.

萨姆恨不得一睡不醒,了无心事。Sam longed for the oblivion of sleep.

第二幼稚和单纯的人遗忘。Is second childishness and mere oblivion.

窟一样无知,类似遗忘。In cave-like ignorance, resembling oblivion.

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图片视频泛神论的遗忘。Two-Picture Video of Pantheist's "Oblivion".

那座古城早已湮没无闻。That ancient city has been buried in oblivion.

就要送你上西天了,还有什么话说吗?Any more words before I send you into oblivion?

墨家在汉代以后湮没无闻。After the Han Dynasty, Mohism fell into oblivion.

这个遗忘是好的,它使你精神饱满。This oblivion is good, which makes you freshened.

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现在面对死亡吧,就向你之前的绝地武士一样。Now face oblivion like all of the Jedi before you.

他把一切不愉快的思想置于脑后。He consigned all the unpleasant thoughts to oblivion.

她将只是那一粒被遗忘的尘埃。She will just fall like a grain of dust into oblivion.

他的大部份发明都湮没无闻了。Most of his inventions have been consigned to oblivion.

爱情是那么短暂,而遗忘却那么长久。Love is so short, and oblivion so long" ─ Pablo Neruda".

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但是在日本,当然不会有逸于无形这种事发生。But of course there is no such thing as oblivion in Japan.

你救赎的,是遗忘了自己的无知的你。You are saving yourself from the oblivion of nonrealization.

朝地板丢颗球下去,它会滚向一边,然后消失无踪。Drop a ball on the floor and it will roll away into oblivion.