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所以行为放荡还是一件好事。So being rakish is a good thing.

他扮演小说中放荡的主人公。He plays the novel's rakish hero.

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他潇洒地歪戴着帽子。He was wearing his hat at a rakish angle.

那位风流倜傥的演员爱跟模特儿交往是出了名的。The rakish actor was known for dating models.

他看上去就象是把流云般的胡须贴在他庄重的脸上一样。He looked as if he had glued the rakish beard on to his solemn face.

配上袖扣却不戴领带,哈哈那将绝对是潇洒不羁却风度翩翩。Wear cuff links without a tie. It will give you a rakish yet elegant flair.

阿涅利曾是个跟世界上一些顶尖美女们混在一起的浪荡公子,后来转而专心经商。Once a rakish companion to some of the world's most beautiful women, Agnelli later turned his mind to business.

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类似去年三门欧宝雅特,新雅特体育哈奇将更加俏皮,并以较低的车顶。Similar to the last three-door Opel Astra, the new Astra Sport Hatch will be more rakish and with a lower roofline.

南安普敦伯爵是一个放荡的贵族,曾因参加反抗伊丽莎白一世的叛乱被判处过死刑,可是后来还是被他逃过了。The earl was a rakish aristocrat who eluded a death sentence passed on him after joining a rebellion against Elizabeth I.

你需要一个宽带娱乐适宜或企业网络,将充分寻求俏皮和连续的电视节目。You need to entertain a broadband appropriateness or enterprise network that would be adequate seeking rakish and uninterrupted viewing.

代表人物要数二十世纪二十年代的探戈歌手卡罗斯·加德尔,他戴帽子的方式很时髦,三片式剪裁的西装完美无瑕。Role models include the great 1920s tango singer Carlos Gardel, with his hat carefully set at a rakish angle and his immaculate three-piece suit.

她的眉毛是拔掉又重画过的,画的角度还俏皮一些,叮是人然的力量却要恢复旧观,弄得她的脸部有点眉目不清。Her eye-brows had been plucked and then drawn on again at a more rakish angle, but the efforts of nature toward the restoration of the old alignment gave a blurred air to her face.

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开场的服饰确实是灰色的但又在灰度上有所不同,从头顶的放浪不羁的礼帽,到上身网状运动上衣,再到下身的长裤和时装鞋,都运用了孔格缝纫凸显层次美感。The opening outfits were indeed gray suits but in different shades, and with layers of perforated fabrics that moved from rakish hats, to athletic mesh tops, down to trousers and shoes.

不明显的还有房地产的市场氛围一直都轻松,现在却把其他稳定保守的行业也拉下了水。What was not so obvious was the ability of real estate, which has always had a slightly rakish air, to drag even the most respectable and conservative parts of the economy down with it.