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委员会还应该有更大的研究和调查资源。The committee should also have greater research and investigatory resources.

美国食品药品监督管理局一定会在人体试验前批准新药的研究申请。The F.D.A. must approve an investigatory new drug application before any human testing.

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“诉讼程序”包括民事的、刑事的、行政的诉讼以及调查活动。"Proceeding" includes civil suit and criminal, administrative, and investigatory action.

当然,这给墨西哥提供了十分有效的调查和司法新工具,如果他们采用的话。It certainly gives the state new investigatory and judicial tools that could help -- if they are used.

然而,我国侦查程序的立法内容和实际实施还存在与此相矛盾的地方。However, there exist contradictions in terms of legislative content and practices in investigatory proceedings.

本文主要采用文献法、比较法和问卷调查法。The present study mainly adopts the literature method, comparative method and questionnaire investigatory method.

国家尊重和保障人权的宪法规定,决定了侦查权力的行使应当以此为原则。The prescription of respecting and safeguarding human rights in Constitution is the basis for the exercise of investigatory power.

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因而律师介入侦查,为犯罪嫌疑人提供有效法律帮助,加强辩护职能,监督侦查权合法行使,维护刑事诉讼构造平衡之作用必不可少。So it is very important for lawyer to intervene in Investigatory Stage for the sake of helping suspect as well as supervising Investigatory power.

人大、法院、律师以及检察机关从外部对侦查机关进行监督制约。The National People's Congress, the courts, lawyers and the People's procuratorates exert external supervision and restriction on investigatory organs.

它使从一定意义上进行手术期间,调查腹腔镜手术,因为它避免了无须经过的程序,再次在稍后的日期。It makes some sense to carry out the surgery during the investigatory laparoscopy, as it avoids having to go through the procedure again at a later date.

随着有组织犯罪的日益猖獗,公安机关运用卧底警察进行侦查破案的策略日益受到人们的关注。With the organized crime becoming more and more rampant day by day, people have paid close attention to the investigatory tactic of using underground police.

我国的侦查监督制度与西方国家的侦查监督制度相比较,在侦查监督主体、侦查监督的权源、侦查监督范围等有明显的不同。Investigatory supervision system in China has distinct difference in supervisory body, source and scope of supervision power in comparison with occidental system.

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在对调查资料分析的基础上,研究者总结出南京市社区学前教育的现状,即初步形成了以幼儿园为中心的社区学前教育模式。On the basis of analyzing investigatory data, author make a summary that in Nanjing the community preschool education model centering in kindergarten has been shaped.

所以我的哲学更经验主义,少了一点理性主义,更多元化,某种意义上来说,也就是没有人让,我给出一个单独的回答,也更加具有研究性。So my kind of philosophy is more empirical, less rationalistic, more pluralistic. In a sense, he or she doesn't expect if I had a single answer. And more investigatory.

第42条公害纠纷事件经第一审法院辩论终结者,不得进行调处或裁决。Article 42 A public nuisance dispute with regard to which investigatory hearings in a court of the first instance are concluded may not be subject to mediation or arbitration.

人民检察院发现公安机关的侦查活动有违法情况时,应当通知公安机关予以纠正。If a people's procuratorate discovers violations of law in the investigatory activities of a public security organ, it shall instruct that public security organ to rectify them.

采取入户询问的调查方式,调查居民的一般状况、生活习惯、病史、健康测量等。Inquiry at homes as a investigatory method was followed. The investigatory items included the residents' general conditions, living habits, illness history, health measures, et al.

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第四十条调查结束,调查机关应当作出调查结论,书面通知被调查人、利害关系人。Article 40 The investigatory authority shall, upon completion of the investigations, make a conclusion and notify the person under investigation and the interested parties thereof in writing.

巴伦西亚案件第一阶段即调查阶段可能需要六个月之久,已有各地相似经历的民众参加,他们分别来自巴斯克县、马德里、加泰罗尼亚、安大路西亚和加那利群岛。The Valencia case, whose first, investigatory phase is expected to take six months, is being joined by similar ones in the Basque Country, Madrid, Catalonia, Andalusia and the Canary Islands.

澳大利亚法律改革委员会的推荐是来源于联邦调查体系和皇家咨询委员会的资料,其中的45项变更是对应于客户合法的特权的声明。The ALRC recommendation was among 45 changes relating to the handling of claims of client legal privilege over material sought by federal investigatory bodies and royal commissions of inquiry.