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这意味着我们不需要任何掩饰。It means we need not dissemble.

但是,他突然想起来,以掩饰。But suddenly he bethought himself to dissemble.

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解释就是掩饰,掩饰是因重视。Explanation is dissemble, dissemble because of value.

掩饰感全不会,怎样生必不知。Who knows not how to dissemble knows not how to live.

掩饰感情全不会,怎样生活必不知。Who knows not how to dissemble knows not how to live.

她用笑话掩盖她的失望。She tried to dissemble her disappointment with a joke.

她试着用在她的脸上一个微笑掩饰她的忿怒。She tried to dissemble her anger with a smile on her face.

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宇航局要求买家不得拆卸航天飞机并存放于室内环境展示。Buyers are required not to dissemble the shuttles and display them indoors.

为掩饰你的爱,那也许是对的。可是——你为什么把我赶出去了呢?。Perhaps it is right to dissemble your love. But-why do youkickme downstairs?

象你那样年纪的孩子都会对有钱的舅舅假装亲热。By the time boys reach your age they usually have learned to dissemble for rich uncles.

在家中争吵的家庭出外晚餐时都掩饰得很好。Families that quarrel in the privacy of the home do well to dissemble when they go out to dinner.

掩饰内心感受、控制面部表情、随大家的一举一动照做,已经是本能反应。To dissemble your feelings, to control your face, to do what everyone else was doing, was an instinctive reaction.

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汽车爆胎、疲劳驾驶、违章行车是当前交通安全的三大隐患。Car tire's explosion, tired driving and infraction procession are three dissemble danger for traffic safety at present.

我不想掩盖我当时首先感到高兴,由于恢复了自由,也许还建立了文名。I will not dissemble the first emotions of joy on the recovery of my freedom, and, perhaps, the establishment of my fame.

玛丽笑着说,你们的教授在尽力阻止你们接受新思想。Your professors are trying to keep you from learning new ideas! They only call it rubbish to dissemble their real motives.

为了避免攻击者将安全电路拆卸掉,研究了低压、高效率、全集成电荷泵升压电路的关键技术。To avoid attackers to dissemble the secure circuits, the design technologies of low-voltage high power efficiency fully integrated charge pump elevator are studied.

经过这么久的共同生活,杜波里已经知道了石像怪们具有极其冷静甚至是冷酷的智慧,任何假装不知道或是劝阻的企图都会被他们觉察出来,并导致他永远丧失这些石像怪的信任。Now Dupr?well knew the cool power of the Gargoyle intellect, and that any attempt to dissemble or dissuade would be immediately perceived, and would discredit him forever among the Gargoyles.