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我可是赞美丽江的人民。I laud the people of Lijang.

郑头,大恩不言谢,咱感激你。Zheng Tou, great boon not the speech thank, we laud you.

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现在我们将放一段流行音乐,不要放得太响Now we're going to play just a little bit of pop music-- Not too laud cause this really hipped up.

所以宋氏那里的东西都是四阿哥赏的和自己的月例而已。So all of Sung surname yonder things is four the elder brother laud of and own month the instance is just.

劳德以其身为英国大主教的特权,极力打压着清教徒的反抗。Laud took his mission as the head of the Church of England to be the squelching of this Puritan opposition.

周三,总理帕特里克曼宁亲自到西班牙港的皮亚科国际机场接待劳拉和他的队友。On Thursday the prime minister, Patrick Manning, was at Port-of-Spain’s Piarco International Airport to laud Lara and his mates.

她说,西方人总是夸孩子“天才”或者“有天赋”,而亚洲父母强调努力工作的重要性。Westerners often laud their children as "talented" or "gifted," she says, while Asian parents highlight the importance of hard work.

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中文媒体曾经赞扬富士康创造了许多就业机会,但目前该公司已成为批评和秘密调查的对象。The Chinese press used to laud Foxconn for creating jobs, but the firm has become an object of criticism and undercover investigations.

这里有人实际上为自己做了些研究,还是他们完全依赖洗白、净化过的电影来把他抬得这么高?Did anyone here actually do any research for themselves, or did they totally rely on a whitewashed, sanitized movie to laud him so greatly?

那些赞美中国勤俭节约文化的人们可能还会发现,香港富人状况最近出现了一个值得注意的变化。Those who laud the Chinese cultural bias for savings might also discover a cautionary tale in the recent circumstances of Hong Kong's rich.

那些赞美中国勤俭节约文化的人们可能还会发现,香港富人状况最近出现了一个值得注意的变化。Those who laud the Chinese cultural bias for savings might also discover a cautionary tale in the recent circumstances of Hong Kong's rich.

美国公司治理的积极主义分子经常赞美英国的股东治理体制,但是英国的银行也是一团糟。Governance activists in America typically laud the shareholder regime in Britain, yet the British banks fouled up just as badly as everyone else.

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他又引来耶律镇恶的母亲,两人面上的感激之情真切,令轻轻心中一暖。He leads to come again mom from evilness in Lyu town, on two human faces of laud of the consciousness is lightly matter-of-fact, make heart in a lukewarm.

那些给四阿哥做衣裳的料子都是平时澜惠从库房里拿出来赏给她的。Those give four the elder brother make dress of all of materials are what the peacetimes Lan's Hui is from the database building in take out and laud to hers.

虽然这会给她带来意想不到的变故,不过,此刻的她无法拒绝沈氏的好意,只能表现出感激涕零的样子来。Although this will send her unexpected mishap, however, at the moment she can not refuse Chen Shi's good purposes, Bailey Button Ugg, can express to laud Ti zero outwards.

633年,威廉劳德被任命为坎特伯雷大主教,并被赋予了一项特别的专职权利,即国王赋予他的镇压权。In 1633, William Laud had been appointed the Archbishop of Canterbury, and he had been granted an extraordinary set of arbitrary powers of suppression, actually, by the monarch.

他们认为在其正交和模块化的空间,没有装饰,明确相似之处当代现代主义,甚至赞扬桂作为一个“历史”的例子,现代性。They saw in its orthogonal and modular spaces, devoid of decoration, clear parallels to contemporary Modernism, going so far as to laud Katsura as a "historical" example of Modernity.

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人们会称赞公司的英雄-那个很厉害的人,但是不会称赞公司的殉难者,那些不仅让自己壮烈牺牲还给公司带来潜在性伤害的人。People laud the corporate hero -- the person going above and beyond -- but not corporate martyrs, who have killed themselves and potentially put the business in a compromised situation.