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这个电话号码是空号。This telephone is disconnected.

他的论据是一堆杂乱无章互不相关的事实。His argument is a ragbag of disconnected facts.

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雷纳德两次和她父母分离。Rennard had disconnected from her parents twice.

他曾使用的电话号码无法连通。Telephone numbers he had used were disconnected.

设计好可以没有的被解开或者分离。Designed to be unfastened or disconnected without.

两种极端都脱离现实。Both extremes were largely disconnected from reality.

电力公司中止为我们供电。The electricity company disconnected our electricity.

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我觉得和其他人,和我的生活都脱节了。I feel disconnected from other people and from my life.

大多数阅读器支持联机和断开模式。Most readers support both online and disconnected mode.

她再此感到和周边环境失去了联系。She once again felt disconnected from her surroundings.

确保项目模块化,并分割成相互没有关联的子项目。Keep project modularized into disconnected sub projects.

话务员,我还没讲完话就断线了。Operator, we are disconnected before I finished talking.

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服务数据对象基于断开连接的数据图表。SDOs are based on the concept of disconnected data graphs.

当一座反应堆从电网断开时会发生什么?What happens when a reactor gets disconnected from the grid?

拆线时,你必须清楚地做下记号。You must make marks clearly when the wires are disconnected.

战士擦枪前先把枪拆成零部件。The soldier disconnected a rifle into parts before cleaning it.

如果没有放好听筒,通话的线路就不会被截断。If the receiver was ajar,the line would not have been disconnected.

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检查相应控制回路是否断线或接触不良。Check whether the control circuit is disconnected or contacted well.

睡眠时网络管理器是否应当连接或断开连接。Whether NetworkManager should be connected and disconnected on sleep.

然而这些水泵与系统的连接被关闭阀断开。However, these pumps are disconnected from the system by cutoff valves.