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目光全都是呆滞的。The eyes are dull.

我有一个地方隐痛。I feel a dull ache.

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我感觉到隐痛。I feel a dull pain.

刺痛还是钝痛?。Prickle or dull pain?

看他那呆笨的样子很有趣。His dull look is funny.

这把刀太钝了。This knife is too dull.

烛煤呈暗黑色。Cannel coal is dull black.

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枯燥的书味同嚼蜡。A dull book lacks interest.

这里头闷得像个坟墓。It's dull as tombs up here.

生意极为清淡。Business is deplorably dull.

挑动着呆钝的根。Dull roots with spring rain.

他灰白的头发又干又无光泽。His hair is dry, dull and grey.

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我敢说你在家里感到沉闷无聊。I dare say you're dull at home.

今日棉花消息面非常平淡。Cotton news today face very dull.

实验室里的工作味同嚼蜡翻来复去。Lab work is dull and repetitious.

或者轻轻的一碰,就会隐隐作痛。Or a gentle touch, will dull pain.

他们的性生活也从不会乏善可陈。Their sex-life will never be dull.

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现在,王子看起来黯然无光,一片灰色。Now the Prince looks dull and grey.

棺材合上时发出一声闷响。The coffin closed with a dull thud.

那真的会使生活单调乏味。It would make our lives really dull.