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他真讨厌。He is disgusting.

真是恶心。That's disgusting.

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一妻多夫,太恶心了。Polygamy is disgusting.

他的举动令人厌恶。His conduct was disgusting.

还有一点恶心。little bit disgusting also.

恶心干呕是什么原因?What reason is disgusting retch?

臭蛋味道很难闻。A bad egg has a disgusting smell.

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确实是,我认为很恶心。And it is, I take it, disgusting.

讨厌,那鱼闻起来好恶心。Yuck, that fish smells disgusting.

无论什么时候,吐口水都是恶心的行为。Spitting is disgusting at all times.

讨厌却不能撕破脸的感觉真恶心。Hate does not feel disgusting of war.

因为那些令人作呕的酸液龙息!By a disgusting acid-breathing dragon!

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他是克里斯帕克汉姆,一个讨厌的家伙。He is Chris Packham, a disgusting man.

我想起那个糟老头子来了。I remember of that disgusting old man.

这整个想法听起来太恶心了。The whole idea just sounds disgusting.

那是间让人一望而生厌的浴室。It was a disgusting sight, that bathroom.

它们的防御手法令人作呕。They have disgusting defensive mechanisms.

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“你真是个令人讨厌的人”她责骂他到。“You are a disgusting man, ” she told him.

大多数人会为此感到极度的恶心。Most people find this extremely disgusting.

但你为什么会感到恶心呢But why would you feel that that's so disgusting?